

Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2007
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It feels like I can smell every single blooming thing around me. It's disgusting...there's this one lingering smell and i think it's me cos i put on some strong perfume this morning :( I tried to wash it off but the smell is still there. I guess this is my sense of smell getting acute :( It sucks!
I became really sensitive to a jar with paintbrush cleaner oh left in our bedroom. It was really doing my head in so i moved it
Ugh, I wish it were that easy for me!
i did that a little while ago, on my lunch hour i went to selfridges and sprayed lots of Angel tester on myself, on my way back i regretted it it was making me gag! its horrible when the smells on you and you cant get away from it isnt it!! :hug:
I'm sooooo like this too, maybe its a baby girl thing cos i wasn't nearly as sensitive last pregnancy. I can smell things a mile off and am always spot on..... i tracked down some baby puke the other day at mother and toddler group. I was sniffing around for about 20mins before I finally found it!!! :shock:

Im the same way i always smell things, Bernie and my family think im nuts till i track it down , cant believe how good our sense of smell gets
Aawww Skyla :hug:
Know what you mean though, as I still have days where I can smell who knows what and it drives me mad, I now buy lots of candles from IKEA, the Vanilla ones, it helps make them go away :lol:
Lol, the smell is still on me somewhere! I've had a shower even and it's still hanging around...wiffing up my nose! argh! It's driving me crazy. I have yet to find a smell which I actually like and isn't too strong lol. Thanks for telling me all your experiences with's scary how acute one sense can get!

I just remembered when i was almost due i took that cod liver oil :puke:
and afetr i stopped takingit i still smelled it for weeks , it was mad.
Oh geez, that must be one of the worst and most pungent things to start smelling...I think if I go anywhere near that stuff i'll chuck up :puke:
Smells are affecting me badly too, i can't even feed my dogs anymore have to get DD or DH to do it :oops:

Skyla it definelty is horrid , ill never touch it again.!
FeeFee i start gagging when i fill my dogs dish up every morning yuck
The only think I have found that makes me feel sick is the smell of roasted lamb. I always buy and cook organic cuts of meats so it's not like it's the supermarket cheepy but still since getting pregnant poor DH has had to go without roast lamb. I was a good wife last week and grilled lamb chops but even then (not as bad as roasting though!) the smell made me sick and I was popping my head out the back door for fresh air every few minutes!! :) We don't have pets so can't comment on the pet food smells but when I used to have a dog his food stank at the best of times so I can only imagine it's a million times worse when preg!!
same here smells that didnt really bother me before make me sick now. OH bought a mcdonalds the other day and all i could smell was onions and it really made me feel sick :puke: ever since then i cant eat them and i usually love them
my new fav smell involves a petrol i sit in the car n sniff as hard as i can i love it!! also hairspray..not very good for me but i cnt help it :( x

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