Small Pram/Pushchair suitable from birth


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Jun 21, 2007
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Thinking ahead...

To all those experienced parents out there, I am having a dilema!!! Lol.

I need your advice on small/compact pushchairs/prams that are suitable from birth that will also be sturdy and last and also fit into our appartment and into the back of my Renault Clio!!!

This seems to be proving very daunting!! Most of the ones I have considered so far I have listed below but many of these seem a bit big for the back of my Clio so far. They all have good reviews but I am not sure on their total suitability for a new born combined with my specific requirements. I would really like something that will last the baby a few years to hopefully avoid having to buy another one too soon.

I like the idea of just having a pushchair but I sometimes doubt the suitability of the pushchairs for a new born. But at the same time, I doubt the baby will be going out in the pushchair/pram that much when very young and we also plan on having a sling to carry the baby when required, such as when walking the dogs. I have also read that newborns outgrow the small prams very quickly and so are not normally worth having??! Confusing!! Lol.

Therefore I would appreciate any advice on those listed below and would also very much appreciate any additional recommendations for other systems that fit my requirements!!

Many thanks in advance. :)

Silver Cross 3D Pram System (Pram/Pushchair)
- with this one it seems the pram part is only any use for a few months.
Approx £275

Mamas and Papas Ziko (Pushchair)
- this one is a pushchair suitable from birth and looks quite protective for a pushchair.
Approx £150

Maclaren XLR (Pushchair)
- new Maclaren pushchair suitable from birth which can also have a car seat clipped to it if required.
Approx £165

Maclaren XT (Pushchair)
- smaller model of Maclaren pushchair suitable from birth.
Approx £150

Mamas and Papas Pramette (Pram/Pushchair)
- Very similar to Silver Cross.
Approx £275

Petite Star Zia (Pushchair)
Approx £100

April xxxxx
Got the Petite Star Zia a few weeks ago, its fab!!

We had the Quinny Buzz system or her from birth, but the chassis fills the boot of our car and we have an estate!!

The Zia is compact, it reclines and is brillant value for money.

I can highly recommend it

There are some photos of Ruby in it on this section...hang on..... ... hp?t=49339
Definitely not the M&P Pramette - we have this and its very bulky (even though there's no chassis and carrycot) - I struggle to lift it in and out of the boot and we have to shove it in (Ford Focus).

Friends of ours bought a MacLaren (don't know what one) but suitable from birth - in hindsight, this is definitely what I'd do - and buy lots of lovely slings - I have a kari-me and its great!

m&p zilko are sooooo cute and fold very small, they are soo snug

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