small clots


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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hi there,
as you all may have read id not been on my period for ages and i come on realy heavily yesterday but ive been getting small clots in my blood still heavy beeding i must say ive not had a period in like 2 months an OH has had the snip an i dont no what ive been thinking.
when i usually come on i usually get overy pain first its been under my tummy must abdominal or something.
anyone else been like this or should i call my doctor?? x
I've never been like this, i think it's always best to go to the Docs to put your mind at rest xxx
hi there i gave my doctor a call and it sounds as though ive miscarried in early stages :(
OH did not go for a semen test when he had the snip done so there stil could be some swimmers.
I told her that when i usually get a period i get the pain in the overies but its just been abdominal pain an small clots have been appearing an she sed the bleeding will slow down in a few days or so.
:( dont no how to feel at the moment x
Oh Hun, I'm so sorry. Hope ur ok xxx
Sorry to hear this honey x massive hugs x
Still abit of bleeding now the pain has subsided but still what gets me is that when he had the snip i thought it was final yeah they put me on contraception when he had it done but they sed because he had the snip they wont put me on nething else!!! So here was me thinking wed be alrite an this is going back from september last year.
Im fed up of the bleeding. i just thought my body was back to normal :(
I think it was early stages cos of the small clots an i hadnt been on for like a month an half so i think there was a good chance an with also the amount of bleeding ive had id say ive miscarried although they didnt tell me to go and get checked but id been bleeding heavily for a few days an its only just subsiding so i cant get it confirmed but the other night i wanted to cry with pain i just cant get me head round it all.
I cant cry because i never knew i was pregnant but then on the other hand im guna miss my chance on having another as i wud of liked another but the snip to me was final in not having nemore so im gutted it never survived so i cant win either way eh lol xx
It's ok to be upset, just because you didn't know, doesn't meant you haven't suffered a loss. I hope your ok? How is your OH feeling about it? Xxx

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