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small baby? or am I all baby no bump! need to chat


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2012
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So I went for my 32 week mw appointment yesterday (31w5d) and she's concerned that either the baby is small or there's not enough room in there. Slightly worried but I'm booked in the hospital for monday with chance of another scan. Baby has a lot of movement and all my tests are ok. Am I worried for no reason? Anybody been told the same?xxxxxx
As far as I knew you grew to accomadate your baby and waters etc.

I would see what they say at the appointment, but let us know :) xx
Hey sweetie,

My boy is small... i was measuring 2weeks behind my actual date... i saw midwife at 29weeks and she said he was measuring 27 and abit... ive been worried ever since... as my bump just looked like i had eaten to many takeaways haha... Now ive started to notice my bump is getting bigger (in a good way) on the 4th ill find out again how much hes grown... Everything is healthy with him, his HB is perfect... the scans show he is gorgeous with nothing wrong... just small... me and my partner arent what i would call big anyways. Good luck and try not to panic... :) xxx
Well she said I was measuring 27 but then she also said the baby might just be hiding. When the baby moved round the front again last night my oh and sister measured me again and got 31 so that put my mind at ease last night for an hour or so... I just want everything to be ok as I'm only 19 and this is bump #1 xxxxxx
Hey hun. Try not to worry too much. There are so many factors affecting how big our bumps are, and the way of measuring bump size is so inaccurate that there's probably very little to worry about. I saw my MW on Wednesday because she wanted to check that I wasn't too small - and her student measured me at the same time and got a completely different measurement. She's fairly happy - I'm measuring 30cm at 32+1weeks. Plus my bump seems to get so much bigger by the evening. If you're feeling good and baby is nice and active, probably everything is fine. Even if baby is small, it will be OK.

Let us know how it goes. Have a lovely weekend x
Hey Bumphurst, like others have said try not to worry. I have always measured small and been for growth scans but I'm little anyway so they've relaxed a bit more now with me. Our baby has always shown steady growth just not a regular/big baby size. We are all different, I hope all goes well for you :) x
hey hun

i really would'nt worry to i much, measured small with my first with predicted weight btween 3-4lb (6lb 13oz born) 2nd baby measured 4 weeks behind and i only gained 2lb the whole 9months with predicted weight at 6lb (7lb 10oz born) so they really cant estimate properly!! i measure behind with this one but had growths scans and weight is on bottom line, but can quarantee he will weigh around 8lb born i just know it!!

my bump is also really small people are realy shocked when i say how long i have left as they think im about 5/6 months max!! :)

just think the smaller you are, the less you hav to lose after :dance: xx
I'm the same, I have a very small bump, and have the whole way through, people think i'm announcing I'm pregnant when I tell them. But so far measurements have been about 1cm behind and the midwife is happy so thats the main thing. Like the other girls said it can depend on how the baby's laying, etc. My midwife told me it's more important to keep an eye on the baby's movements as she would be more worried if that changed than the fact my bump is a cm or 2 smaller xxx
Did u have strong stomach muscles to start with? Some people don't grow big I'd they are very toned :)
Wow thanks guys, seems pretty common then... Well I was only about 8.5 stone when I fell pregnant and I'm only 5ft3 so I wouldn't say I was big (most friends and family call me midget or shrimp lol!) And the oh is only about 5ft11 and is 8.5 stone so he's small too. Mw had her student in and she got 26 and mw measured 27 so they were both in and around the same but Ino the babe was round the back/side because when its round the front I look twice as big lol! Movements are great, I love lying watching my bump move from side to side and top to bottom, oh finds it funny when baby has hiccups and my whole tummy just jumps for about five mins a time lol! As long as I know babys happy and ok I'm good haaha! Weekends gonna be slow, no lo to mind and got this to play on my mind lol!!!! xxx
I agree with Karen, the measuring is so inaccurate, all that have measured me have said bigger but ive had scans confirming he is perfect size. I was thinking as well, watching 'I didn't know I was pregnant' last night, these ladies had just thought they had eaten a lil much, still fit in normal clothes, and one have birth to a 42 week 8lbs healthy baba! I mean where was she hiding that?? Lol
Everything will be fine :) x
Lol!!! There's times u wouldn't think I was pregnant (which worried me a bit) but then there's times I'm giant and none of my clothes fit LOL xxxx
Well ppl jeep asking me if I'm having triplets lol!! And my maternity tops won't go over bump! Lol :)
I'm sure a massive bump will pop out over night at some point :)
Haaha maybe.... Aslong as bubba is ok I don't care!!!! Getting nervous about tomorrow... Xxx
My bump is measuring 5 weeks ahead but had scan and my bambino is below average?? Xx
Lol dunno what way everythings gonna go. I am rather excited tho cuz mw says she'll more than likely scan me again tomorrow so fingers crossed I get to c wee baby hurst again :) getting excited more and more each day but nerves are kicking in too! I just pray everythings ok in there. When I get baths it moves about like crazy and I'm just out of one so atm its a very hyper baby LOL xxxx

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