SMA...back log?


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2009
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Ive just been on another forum and seen that people are talking about a back log with their statuary meternity allowence. I havnt read through all the forms properly yet but some girls are saying its taking up to 3/4 just to get their forms looked at!

But apparently you can claim income support while your waiting for your pay to come through (of course i guess this is only if youve already left for your maternity leave).

Is anyone else getting SMA instead of SMP...and when are you thinking of sending your forms off? I leave for maternity leave on the 5th bit confused when to send everything off. Hummm....forms are not my friend.
I'm not sure hun but hope someone can answer for you :) x
SMA meaning Maternity Allowance? I have the forms at home and I just need to fill them out (forms are NOT my friends either :() as my job wont supply me with SMP.. I hope it doesn't take a few weeks to get them sorted! I'm struggling as it is, only work part-time hours :( I'm on holidays from 16th April to 18th May THEN my Maternity leave starts then.. Where I'll be 37 weeks. I'm getting the Sure Start Grant £500 form this week from midwife so was just going to send Maternity Allowance and other forms off then too! So that would make me 30 weeks sending my stuff off. Do you think this is enough time?? Eek! I'd have a look at your form, see what it says.. Let me know if you hear anything! Sorry I couldn't be more help xxxx
Im sure if you send your forms off next week with your sure start grant then you'll get it in time. Thats 7 weeks for them to get it sorted right? Should be fine. I just saw that some girls were saying they'd sent their forms off 4 weeks ago and rang up to find out why they hadn't heard anything and were told the forms hadnt been looked at yet and they couldnt tell them when they would be. All seems a bit silly really.

I cant get the sure start grant until after she's born which is a bit of a bum. Hopefully all will be sorted and fab!
Aww is that because you work full time or whatever? It's so rubbish that. You need the help no matter how much you earn! But yeah i hope all is sorted and turns out ok too yay :d

i am still waiting on being rehoused though eurgh :(. Can't nest properly until then! Xxx
Nah I only work 8 hours a week. Im a student so cant claim any benifits until the end of may but im not even sure what im entitled to once I finish, if anything! But when shes born Ill be entitled to most things as Ill be a full time student and single parent. Kinda need to the money before hand though!

Ive got to say they dont make it easy for you. Do you think youll get a new house soon? Ill be starting to apply for housing in April so hopefully Ill be sorted by June. Im giving them lots of time lol.

Its all about the positive thinking :)
Yes it certainly is, hard tp stay positive though! But i still keep on laughing hehe, this forum helps a lot infact! Well i applied for house before christmas and still haven't got anything sorted, plus they wouldn't take our claim seriously until i was 20 weeks!

My doctor and counsellor have sent the housing a letter and i'm posting off a form so hopefully this will help our case! But who knows..

I'm not sure what i'm entitled too either but i'm going to cab (citizens advice) next week to find out, so you should deffo do this.. Or even phone up job centre plus and see what benefits you're entitled too! Xxx
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