

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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I eventually bit the bullet and bought a sling

the tri-cot wrap around as suggested by natural mamma.

I am wanting to breast feed and I have a bad back so it seemed the best option for me, hope I like it, it was £40.00 and free delivery.

Anyone else bought their baby carriers or slings yet

the place is in scotland like me and I could have saved £20
oh well nevermind
thanks michelle, I quite fancy a pouch one so I know where to go to get one. I think I will need more than one mind you.
hope you are well
OMG! I have too many slings!

first got a tricotti and hated it - just didn't work for me, then got a freedom pouch which was ok when baby smile was about 2 weeks old but since then he gets annoyed he can't be more upright and I get annoyed he is more in the way.

Then got a ring sling from mamaway - brilliant! love it! but as he gets bigger my shoulders don't :( also have a brilliant german carrier but hubbie pointed out it looks like I'm carrying a bomb on my front so I don't wear that one outside now :( also hae atomy freestyle for hubby (cos it is more 'manly' apparently!)

yestreday my moby wrap arrived and babe is safely sleepign in that as I type (two handed typing for the first time since he was born!) too early to say but i like this one.

Moral of the story? buy on ebay/second hand if you can, you will probably need different slings for different purposes (ie my ring sling can slip in my bag as it bundles up small) and get a credit card

:wall: :D
natural mama really loved the wrap I have ordered which is why I got it, she raved about as had tried loads too, I am really small so liked the idea of it not slipping off my shoulders and getting baby nice and snug,
I wish I had checked on ebay tho
i think every body has a favourite type i can only get on with ring slings, i brought mine pre loved from the baby wearing forum you can save alot buying 2nd hand ones.
a sling was the first baby item i bought, cos it was on that 'bringing up baby' program

i think its a Freedom one :think: cant remember but its a ring sling type

also got a pouch type one that carries the baby in the same position as the ring sling but it looks more bag-like and macho (for OH )

i'll also get one of those sitting up- front carrying rucksacky ones i think

i cant see why i'd use a pushchair when i can keep my baby on me hands-free

i say that now but i know it might be a whole different story when she comes!!!!
i want to get a sling/carrier for my oh as one of his b'day pressys as i know he likes the idea of him being close to the baby

can anyone suggest a sling/carrier? thanks
Ive not really thought about a sling before
but do you reccommned them as i want and hope to breast feed to.??

slings are meant to be better for the baby (posture etc) and keep them close to you etc... promoting a happier baby, can't remember the name of the theory, but it was on a programme called bringing up baby

the cheapest ones I have seen are on this website which happy bunny recommeded

there are many different types of slings but the joy of them is you can use the extra material to cover yourself while you breast feed, you can use a sling in different positions.

I am keen but just don't know if I will like it or not.

we will see
I've got the same :cheer: as NM recommented it to me! it arrived about a wk ago have had a play and it's really easy to use and feels really comfy.. well with a teddy in! :lol: xx
I want to get one too but haven't really sorted it yet

My mum was going to make me one
I have a sling, a pouch, a summer front carrier, a framed rear carrier and a second front carrier that I think we'll give away!!

Ok - I admit I went a bit nuts, but I'm SO KEEN to wear my bub. For what it's worth my midwife thinks it's an ace idea and said the baby will probably be much less prone to long periods of crying.

Oh the sling is a Feedom Sling, the pouch is 'The baba sling', the front carrier is a bjorn, and the rear framed carrier a vango ragamuffin.
I'm loving my freedom sling atm.. Lil miss can now support her head and as she LOVES being able to see the world and subsequently throws a paddy in all pushchairs/prams and car seats because she is reclined... the sling has meant that I can show her everything...

Also I can basically strap her to my chest so that she can go to sleep. Its a wonder..

We also have a mei tai and a baby bjorn.. but the freedom has to be my fav and it only cost me 16quid because I got a thrifty one.. It has to be my favourite baby item ever :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
We are going to use a Baby Bjorn as well as a sling because my sister has loaned me hers. I have had a try with teddy, it is quite comfy. The Freedom sling is going to be great for BF though.
I've got a Moby wrap.
I've also bought the rings that are used for ring slings so I can make my own ring slings :D
Are slings like the moby wrap and freedom sling easy to use? I've had a look at the instructions for them online and they look a bit complicated! :?
I haven't actually used the Moby sling with a baby but I have with a doll the size of a 6 month old and also a small heffalump. I find it easy to put on and adjust. Putting toys in is easy enough and I'm hoping it will be just as easy with a real baby. The instructions look a bit confusing but if you practise a couple of times it gets easy.

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