Hi ladies, thank you so much for your support, I think I'm still in shock!!
Huge thanks to little muffin and nurse, sorry for the lack of updates I don't know if I'm coming or going tbh!!!
Contractions started at 1pm, waters broke about 4-4.30 ish. Got to hosp to find I was 4-5cm!! In water by 7 ish, fully dilated at 9am and he was born 10.41 weighing 7lb 1.
That's the shortened version lol
The cord snapping was a shock to everyone, even mw said shed never seen it before. Apparently it was short cord! The room looked like Texas chain saw massacre lol, I felt sorry for the cleaner.
I'll write my birth story in a few days, but you guys are awesome!!!
Introducing Samuel Lee Albert Kempson
(first piccie, about 5min old!!!) xxx