Sleepy baby...


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2012
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My baby boy will be 12 weeks old on Tuesday and I'm noticing he's unusually sleepy... he's literally waking for feeds and falling asleep again. He's normal when he's awake - normal crying & smiling & alertness... anyone else had this? Xxx

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Is it just recently hun? Could be a growth spurt!? Zach has had a few times when he has just drank his milk then straight to sleep again xxx
My HV said to me (because Chloe was the same) as long as she is alert when awake, drinking, wet nappies, tempature correct, no bad constipation then enjoy! But obv if you are worried give your HV or MW a call but I'm sure all is fine :) x
Thanks ladies. Yes it's just the last few days... we went up to Bradford (around 300 mile round trip) Wednesday/Thursday and it seems to be since then, don't know if it's purely coincidental? He is growing lots, eating normally, plenty of nappies as per usual. He does normally sleep a lot but not to this extent... he spent around 30 mins on his play mat today which was about all the awake time he's had today apart from his 2-3 hourly feeds xxx

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I remember worrying about freya about this stage and I was told the same thing. I wish I had enjoyed it more lol but I wa told as long as when she was awake she was alert and was gaining weight, wet nappies etc... then not to worry xx
It is hard to enjoy it when it's out of the ordinary, I find myself waiting for him to wake up... xxx

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I know, she went from hardly napping unless I was holding her, to taking all these naps (plus she slept through) and I spent hours googling it and asking friends if it was ok. And they all had past experience of it and told me to relax, but I couldn't cos she is my baby and I worry. I'm a mum and can give other mums advice based on my experiences, but when your in a situation it's different.

Freya is now nearly six months and does not sleep a lot during the day, she is too nosey and fights sleep. Xx
Luca hasn't slept through once yet... I think the first time he does I will panic about that as well haha... we do all worry though - babies can be so confusing, I wish I was a mind reader sometimes!

I'm usually asleep around 10 these days but I'm still awake wondering if he will wake for a feed soon! Xxx
Haha the first night freya slept through I sat waiting for her to wake for a feed till about 2. I then went to sleep Nd she got me up about 7. She had a great nights sleep, I however did not

I used to think I couldn't wait to have my baby so I could stop worrying, haha when their actually here it's a whole other level. Xx
I finally got to sleep at 1am then he woke up for a feed at 2,5&7. I'm so tired lol.

I think there is a lot more to worry about now! When I was pregnant there was just one worry, now he's here it's everything lol xxx
Sounds like a growth spurt to me! As long as he's happy in himself, wet nappies, no temp etc - enjoy!!
I now have a baby who fights his sleep during the day who I struggle to get to sleep!! Lol xx
He's his usual self, just not awake as much and gets cranky quicker when he is awake (because he would rather be asleep lol).

He was so tiny when he was born (just under 6lbs) and now he's around 12lbs! Growing too fast :( lol... xxx

tapatalking x
I remember this with my lo. I used to panic myself stupid and I think it was just a growth spurt as she was back to normal a few days later. She still does it now at near 7 months and I still worry. Just keep an eye and if you're worried speak to your HV or dr. :) xx
He was back to normal today :) I'm sure I will feel the same if it happens again though lol xxx

tapatalking x
Okay, now he's gone the opposite way! Had me up every hour and a half in the night! Gahhh... and is now happily sleeping on me!

Must have been making up for all the extra sleeping he did... xxx

tapatalking x

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