

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2010
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Is anyone else suffering from insomnia or just sleeps at stupid times? Have been trying for the past two hours to sleep but couldn't due to wrestless legs, full bladders, and a very very awake baby, and on top of that I don't feel tired but know I need to sleep!

It is now past 7 in the morning, and I am still not tired !!!

Help :( xx
Yes!!!! Then I am being naughty and sleeping during day which prob makes it worst.
But yes I hate that feeling topped with cramp in the legs cracking fun.
I seem to sleep well one night but the next night I take ages to get to sleep and wake early. But I've never been a great sleeper and was on sleeping tablets for years until I got pregnant - although I sleep better without them ;)

I suffer from the same, so tired all the time but manage to get to sleep without a problem but then wide awake after around 3 hours and can't get back to sleep...... booking holiday in a week or so so I can catnap during the day just to feel that bit human again. x
Yup... haven't had one decent nighy sleep since getting pregnant so often end up sleeping during the main prob is Spd. The pain at times is horrendous and keeps me awake...bit yes constant full bladder feeling and very active little legs too...... all absolutely worth it tho ehhhh ladies.... xx
My sleep has also been wacky since before I found out I was pregnant...

If it's not strange dreams(some of them are just down right scarey and belong in a horror movie), it's loo trips and then not being able to get back to sleep.

This saturday I woke up at just gone 5am and realised I was hungry could not go back to sleep until I had eaten lol The saturday before that I was so awake I went to Asda at 5am to do the shopping!

It's just gonna get worse the bigger we get (Oh Joy! lol)

This does not give me much hope for what lies ahead girls!! I am already having awful trouble with my sleeping patterns!
I am shattered all day then at night I can not get to sleep for hours then I dont actually go in to a deep sleep so feel like I have not really slept which results in me dozing in to the early afternoon!!
I think my main trouble is, I hate sleeping during the day ! I can only get my nights sleep and thats that, I really really hate sleeping during the say, and its very rare that I actually can :( xx
I did not manage to sleep last night, actually spent the whole night tossing and turning :( then had to be up at 7.45 to take my car to the garage! :(
Im getting off to sleep no problem, but I seem to wake up every half an hour needing to move, i get back to sleep pretty quick to be fair but its still resulting in me feeling like Ive had no sleep when the alram goes off at 6.15 lol
Its terrible, 8 this morning i fell asleep, until 2!! Ahh!!
i have 3 days left before baba is due and omg she wont let me sleep im going sleep like at 1-2-3-4am in the morring x
I would be happy with that Amanda! I am sick of waking up and half my day is gone :rofl: I really am hoping exhaustion comes back in the third tri!! xx
I wish I could get tired during the day :( Not at like 8 in the morning... waking up at 2 then awake for the rest of the day till 8 in the morning again :( its unfair ! :lol: xx
Rarely do I have this problem, but tonight I just can't bloody sleep. Its 2.05 am and I'm sitting here wide a wake and it does my head in! A few weeks ago I had this problem, then found myself really tired during the day, then napping in the afternoon which made everything go out of sync. So tomorrow I will be shattered probably as I haven't slept and will want s nap tomorrow afternoon which throws me out for tomorrow night! Lol can't win. I woolly mind so much if it was a baby keeping me awake, but she's not here yet, just managing to keep me awake from the inside lol x
I don't know if trying to pull an all nighter may plonk me back to a normal routine as I will be shattered and have an early night... I don't know :lol:
I wake up every few hours with a pain in the hip I'm lying on, but can't turn over in my sleep! Can't sleep on my back cos I wake up feeling like I'm drowning, and when I wake up about 4am there's no getting back to sleep, so I go read in the other room.

I'm taking the view that my sleep pattern is gonna be messed up for a long time to come!!
Ohhh I hate having to basically sit up to turn over in the night ! its so annoying :rofl:

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