Sleeping pattern up the left


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2008
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For the last few weeks I've had serious trouble sleeping. I can usually get off to sleep at worst within the hour but trying to stay asleep in becoming more and more of a problem.

Last night is a good example. We went to bed somewhere around 10:30 and I was asleep fairly quick. I woke up at 3am and dozed on and off until 10am when I gave up. Other nights I'm only awake for an hour or so but it's almost always around 3-4am when I wake up.

I don't think hot drinks or a lavander bath will help as I can get to sleep just can't stay that way. Is anyone else having the same problem or have any ideas as to how to get a full nights sleep?
Hi hun -

DON'T use lavender! My doc and HV told me it can cause contractions as it's a strong relaxant.

Have you tried changing your sleeping position? I find I can always drop off fast if I'm lying on my left side with my right leg drawn up and propping me from rolling over too far can also help to put a pillow between your legs. You can get a body pillow from Harry Corry and Mothercare etc.

Otherwise, it could be baby's fault - do you find that you're sleepy at odd times? When baby is asleep the sleepy chemicals from baby find their way in to your bloodstream and make you drowsy too - and the same when baby is wakeful, you won't be sleepy. Try a gentle walk or a warm bath (not hot) or even a massage from OH if he's still awake! I normally read myself to sleep - something trashy and not too demanding.

Hope this helps hun

You are not alone - I have to same problem I go a bed at 10pm and fall asleep really quickly, then up at 1am for a wee and struggle to get to sleep and up again at 4.30am for another wee before getting up for work at 6.15am.

Last night was bad as I had the above sleep pattern along with waking up with wrist pain (CTS) and back ache as I keep rolling over in my sleep to sleep on my back - Bad Mama 2 Be!

Not sure I can do anything about it - am trying the long pillow under bump and between legs but still roll over can't put a pillow behind me as hubby wouldn't fit in the bed! :lol: I try not to drink after 9pm (would be earlier but I get thirsty) but still weeing during the night.

I have no idea what to suggest as I'm working on dead brain cells at the moment but I hope it sorts itself out for you soon. :hug:
I have good nights and bad nights at the moment! I had to get a body pillow to sleep with because I was struggling to stay on my left side at night and kept rolling on my back. Me and my OH go to bed about 11pm every night and I most nights I drift off straight away and get into dream sleep quite quickly, but then there are the odd nights where little one is wriggling and I can't get my bump comfy on te body pillow. I wake up with sore ribs and a sore left leg where I haven't moved all night lol! I don't seem to need as much sleep at the moment though and don't get too tired so I'm not worried right now, but I'm sure in tri 3 the sleepless nights will do my head in..! :lol:

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