Sleeping on one side


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
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My baby predominantly sleeps with her head tilted to the left, and so the left side of her head is now looking rather flat. Should I be encouraging her to sleep on the other side to even out the shape of her head or will it sort itself out as she grows older?
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I have one of the pillows to stop the flat head thing but he still has a bit of a flat head to one side.

I think you are supposed to encourage them to sleep on the otherside of their head aswell but also it will get better over time.
Isaac was delivered with forceps and he has a flat head still on one side. He used to sleep on his flat side but only because his head naturally laid that way. I never tried to encourage him to sleep any other way incase it was uncomfortable for him. His head isn't as flat but you would never notice.

Lou :D
Isaac always prefered looking to his left as a baby, nothing we did influenced him not to do it, but we did place toys he liked at the right of him to encourage him to lie with his head the other way too. Not sure if they effected anything, his head seems the same on both sides, I read all LO's favour one side, its perfectly normal, and they do grow out of it :hug:

I heard to put them on the opposite side of the basinette or crib that way they might turn their head to the other side??

Tom only slept on one side of his head when he was born but we took him to a chiropractor and he was all out of line which is why he found it uncomfortable to sleep on the other side.

After a few visits he was much less rigid and moved about comfortably and sleeps on both sides now.

If you can afford a few chiropractor appointments I would highly recommend it.

In one country (I forget which one) all babies go to a chiro as a matter of course just after they are born. The birth process is so traumatic for them and it helps them to relax.


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