Sleeping issues


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
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Does anyone else have a dodgy sleeping pattern. I sleep during the day n awake all night :/

Pls say I'm not alone
Your not alone hun, ive been waking up in the night and not been able to get back to sleep, thats why i end up on here most nights! I wish i could sleep in the day but i dont think it would go down to well at work. Hope things get better x x

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No but didn't want to read and run - hope you manage to get some rest during the day at least xx
My sleeping pattern is all over hun, so definately dont think you are alone. I think its just another one of those joys of pregnancy. I can sleep through the day and all through the night some days and then others i can sleep all afternoon but cant get to sleep during the night, or if i do drift of, its disturbed, broken sleep filled with either the need to pee or by ridiculous dreams. I dreamt there was something at the bottom of the bed the other day that had a mans body but a crocodiles head. I could have sworn it was there but i realised i must have been dreaming and tried to go back to sleep xxx
I'm so glad. Yet again here I am. Awake.
I sleep from 6am-10am and 5pm-10pm n awake all morning :|!!!!
You're not alone! I'm awake lots in the night and then I pretend to be awake all day in work but if I could paint eyeballs onto my eyelids then it would be nice because I am so tired!
I am just sleeping when i can at the moment, I am so tired all the time, I have a 10 month old that has started waking at 4am for reason I think its cause he starting to take his first steps and he just wants to do it all the time I rememeber the others doing the same, i just give him a bottle and he goes back off, then when he has his nap in the morning instead of doing the housework like I used to do I am now napping too. Dear me the house is a mess and i just want to sleep. Bt when I go to bed in the evening it takes me forever to get to sleep i not going to sleep till gone midnight.
I have had issues this week, I feel really itchy in bed and then cant sleep. It is so annoying.
I sleep from like 6/7am after three hours or so of trying to sleep, wake up at ten after a really broken sleep, go and pee go back to bed till twelve then up till stupid o'clock again :( x
I thought that being pregnant you would Want to sleep all the time.....I don't get much sleep. I feel lied too Looool

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