Sleeping advice needed


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Hi everyone! It's good to be back! Jacob is seven weeks now and he sleeps in his cotbed for about six hours from around midnight to six but he won't sleep other than that unless we are holding him or he is in his carrier. We've been very persistent and tried various places: his bed, our bed, his pram, the swing, but he's only happy with us. He has cried for three hours straight, which isn't fun at all, obviously. I love holding him but I'm not getting much done so I would love some advice!
have you tried swaddling him and putting him in a swinging crib or a swinging baby chair? then he'll get the feeling of being rocked and cuddled

didnt want to read and run.. :hug:
Yes, sorry... Jacob absolutely hates being swaddled! He is a big boy and very active. He sleeps in a sleeping bag. The only time he doesn't mind being restricted is in the carrier, but he is even starting to get annoyed by that sometimes!
aww hun, this cant be fun for you!

im sorry i dont have any more advice but i hope you think of something soon!
Thanks. I honestly don't mind usually, but when I am home alone and need to shower or work on something I can get a little stressed by it. I am mostly worried that this will be setting a pattern and that he will be struggling to sleep in the future. On the plus side, though, he has a slept almost through the night since birth! :D
wow, i could have written this, my baby is the same, absolutely hates being swaddled and refuses to sleep alone during the day. we're keeping putting him down when he falls asleep, even if he wakes up after 10 mins, just in case he may get used to it! i can sympathise, my house is a tip since i can't get anything done!!
ijust thought id add that its not a good idea to put babies down once theyre asleep. they wake up in a different place and get scared

its like us going to sleep in bed and waking up in the kitchen
Moss and Jills, same here. She won't sleep in the day unless on me, I also get nothing done!
Hey moss :)

I'm not being rude but I've typed about my way of managing this in lots of other posts on the forum and I just don't have time or energy to retype it all here again. I'll try to search for them and copy paste or link back to them for you.

FWIW I understand as Galen was and still is a big baby and from 10 days old till about 14 weeks didn't really know what it was to sleep during the day (or night for that matter). I got through it. It took time and patience but we managed it. He might not have slept in the day but I was able to leave him in his moses basket for up to an hour each morning, with his mobile on and chortling away. Meant I could shower, have breakfast and get laundry on. And he was a very content baby to be left on a playmat or elsewhere while I got things done.

It can be done but it takes patience and does not happen overnight. Also it won't work with every baby. A lot depends on the nature of the baby.
Thanks Sherlock I'll try to find them too. So far, Jacob will only spend time under his mobile rarely and likes playing on the floor but will only be happy if one of us is with him. If I sneak away he soon realises and goes into full-on panic crying. I tried takiing a shower once when we were on our own, but he screamed the whole time. He is very happy and content as long as he's being held! It's nice to feel needed, though! :D
Rudy was very much liek thsi for weeks and weeks but he just grew out of it. I used to carry him everywhere but can no longer do that because he's a memb er of the big boy crew too, he is now happy kicing in the bouncer or playing on his gym but this has only really happened in the last few weeks (he is 13 weeks old)

I know it isn't the ideal situation but if he is being clingy and I need a shower or something to eat, I put the chair in front of the television, bad but also a life saver- it was a toss up between a dirty house and mummy or a baby in front of the television for 15 mins.

Alex xxx
Isla is clingy, i cope by using a sling and moving her about in her car seat when i have to do long as i talk to her and she can see me she is happy
I keep jking to my mum that I need a dead body for Connie to sleep on :lol: . Luckily when she does have her late morning nap I can get in the bath then but if she's awake I have to move her around the house with me in her bouncy chair. I find as long as I keep chatting to her she's fine just watching me.

You're very lucky he sleeps for that long at night.

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