Slap cheek


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2011
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My daughter has just been diagnoised with slap cheek and im just over 9 weeks pregnant, had to have my blood taken to check wether im immune to it or not, wont get the results til the middle of next week, fingers crossed i am. I am so worried now :( xx
I've not heard of this before hun, but hope everything works out ok for you xxxx
There was loads of children getting it at my little boys school when I was pregnant with my 3rd I was worried too, but thankfully my little lad didn't get it hope your ok xxxx
Thanks everyone, i did the worst thing ever and read it up online, wish i never now :( xxxx
hi hun

i had a scare last week with the same thing, took little n to docs and he diagonosed urticaria which is nothing contagious or dangerous, but i mentioned slap cheek and doc said he thought it was at first but as the rash had started to spread he knew it was not, but i told him i was pregnant and he said it would of been dangerous for me if he had!! i was so convinced he had it, i worried so much i talk him to out of hours the next day for 2nd opinion but they diagnosed the same, the rash is pretty similar too!! i hope they rush the tests for you as it can be pretty worrying waiting and wanting to know all is ok esp if you read th horror stories online as you have :(
hope all is well and keeping everything crossed for you :) xx

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