Skatty, you back?

But didn't you chose a hebrew middle name for your little girl - thought you had? I know my mom was into scandinavian names when she was pregnant with both my sister and me, thankfully I came out a girl or else I would have been named Gunnar (not sure how you spell it!) :? YUK!
Read your post re baby colouring, I'm sure with your darker colouring you'll have a gorgeous little girl with darker features. My sister was hoping I have a little girl that - maybe next time round! :roll:
May have my OH look at the travel systems and may order one like yours!
Sorry as you can see I'm not big on my Jewish history - hence the 'big time Rabbi' - showing my ignorance!
Well good luck with the nursery!
I chose a hebrew name as her first name, Leorah means "I have light" which I thought was nice. Her surname will be Olsen so you can't get much more danish than that!

I know nothing about Jewish history either really but I have read loads about the holocaust and think its important that my kid will know about it too.

ooh can't believe you are talking about a next child :wink: I am stopping at one, I think that will be perfect for us. I want a tortoise next!
Ah yes of course, now it's all coming back to me, Leorah is a great name never heard of it before - I like going for something different, well chosen :D . Olsen is VERY Danish, don't what your other half is worried about re having a traditoinal middle name when you've got such Danish surname. Still if and when we have a girl I have already chosen a dutch first name, so I better hurry up. Think eventually I'd like to have 3 kiddies, however my OH keeps going on about the 6 of us :shock: !!! We'll see.
Last night we browsed at some the travelling systems you recommended, looks like we may very well go for one of them - thanks for the tip!
I know my OH does want to educate our LO's with a good knowledge of thier background and make them aware that they are jewish (well half jewish). I'm all for it as I'm not very religious myself so I'm glad that he is prepared to enlighten them on this. So I completely understand what your saying re letting your LO learn about her family's background.
You sound the same as my DH when it comes to me wanting Leorah to know about being Jewish. Are you dutch or half? Its funny you and your DH sound similar to me and Martin but the other way around :)

I'm glad you like the travel systems, I haven't seen it in the flesh but my Mum says it looks really stylish and practical.

What is your girl name for next time?
Skatty, was starting to think the same about you and your OH being like my OH and I but the other way round! I'm completely Dutch (both my parents are Dutch), but I've only lived in Holland for about 3yrs - long story.
What about you and your OH, where did you meet him? Here in the UK? How long have you been in Denmark? Sorry so many questions - mi soooo nosey :lol: ! Don't feel obliged to answer.

If and when I have girl I was thinking of the name Famke (it means little lady in Dutch - it's an old Dutch name).

So when is your mom heading your way again, at the end of the month? Did you say she was driving, if so she's good, there's no way my mom would EVER contemplate driving from Holland to England :shock: !
Oh you are Dutch! I didn't know, so will you be speaking dutch with your LO? We will be speaking english with ours but everyone else will speak danish so hopefully they will grow up bilingual.

I met Martin in a really cheesy bar in Picadilly Circus! I was out with work people and really drunk! We met up the next day and had a 12 hour date and that was it. We met in the April, I moved to Denmark in september and we married in Vegas the following March. I will have been in Denmark 2 years in Septemeber. My danish is atrocious, you would probably find it easy as dutch people say there ar a lot of similarites with dutch :)

I love the name Famke, II have a friend of a friend called that. She's very tall and blond and I think I remember her telling me she has foriegn parents so I guess they are dutch!

My Mum is coming over on the 26th of this month but on the plane. Its actually my step dad that will be doing the driving when they come over for the birth, my Mum can't drive! My step dad is a lorry driver and drives all over Europe all the time and is Holland mostly :)

Anyway please tell me the story with your Dh :wink:
Skatty that is so funny we got married in Vegas as well on the 01/03/03! How bizarre!!!!! :shock:
I met my OH through my best mate up north, after going to uni in Ormskirk!! (Just outside of Liverpool) my best mate and I decided to move to Manchester, he ended up getting a just in a restaurant /bar where he met the owners brother-in-law (my OH), who was helping to run the place for awhile (he'd moved up from London). To make a long story short be became friends, lovers and then married! We were together for 6 yrs before we tied the knot, and now joining the club having lots of little babies (hopefully!)!!!
Must say I do envy you living in Denmark, I'm getting a bit tired of London - no offence intended, just feel like I need to move on, our dream is to one day move up to the Lake District.
My Dutch ain't that great any more, but yes I can still speak it. My poor childern will end up speaking some kind of bizarre broken dutch :D !! But that's okay I'm sure grandma will be able to help them out!!
So I take it you are quite happy in Denmark then? It will be great having bilingual kids, I think it's such an advantage to them.
I know what you mean about London, for me it was very stressful and my laid back life in Denmark suits me. It has had its downs I started off working in an irish bar after being a store manager in London. It was fun for a while but I couldn't do that forever so opened a vintage shop here, that then led to supplying other shops with vintage from the Uk so I closed the shop and just supply and top up on ebay. Its only a small company but its mine and I can choose when and how much I work which will be great when the baby comes.

Didn't you just love marrying in Vegas? No fuss, just fun! I was so drunk by the time we got married that I couldn't stop laughing, I felt ridiculous having to repeat those soppy vows! Hardly anyone saw the video, my Mum watched expecting to get all emotional and couldn't stop laughing, the woman who married us was getting so peed off with me :lol:

I have a very good friend living in the Lake District that is half dutch so if you eventually move there I will have to put you in touch! She has a 1 year old girl but I think is planning to have another baby. Its a coincidence that her DH is half danish/half swedish. He was very happy when I met Martin!

You are going to have beautiful mixed children :) Leorah is going to be Jewish with italian, dutch (my jewish ancestors), russian, welsh, scottish and danish blood! I love that :D
Skatty - so to take so long to respond to your post! Been feeling lazy, bloated and fat and therefore couldn't be arsed to get behing a PC!!
Loved getting married in Vegas, my husband planned it as a surprise wth his sister who was living in LA at the time. We did have some close family (about 8 of us), but I so stressed that I lost my voice and got a cold of sorts just after the wedding - so didn't do much celebrating!!! :?
Sounds like you've fairly much sorted yourself in Denmark then - nothing quite like running your own business and working from home! At the mo I work of a copyrights company just off of Oxford st!!! And I'm counting down to the day I go on maternity leave - 2wks and 2 days!!! :dance:
Read about your ghost!!! Nice!!! That would freak me out, thankfully the property we're moving into is fairly new so I don't think anyone has popped their cloggs in there as yet :shock: !
You finished unpacking now? Think we might start this coming weekend - don't really think we have much of a choice if we're suppose to be moving at the end of the month - still waiting on a set date!!! :shock:
Daggers, welocme back, I was wondering where you were!

Wow I bet you can't wait for your maternity leave! My Mum lives just off Oxford Street which is perfect for when I visit, central and great shops but its so busy :shock: I hope people give you a seat on the tube/bus!

I'd definitely start your packing early if I was you, I left it all to the last minute making it even more stressful! We are finally getting settled properly.

As for the ghost he has apparantley moved on but I've decided I'm not scared anyway. We reckon this house was meant for us and he must have been happy we got it. His name is Eric so I always say hello to him when I come in now and we are going to find out where he was buried and give him some flowers, we love our house :D

I bet your itching to get a moving date aren't you?
Eric the viking hey :wink: ! You never know he could be your family protector, still it all sounds too spooky! Well other than the extra addition to your family (by which I mean Eric) I'm glad all has worked out re the move and you seem fairly settled now - I CAN'T WAIT TO GET A MOVE ON!!!!
Just found out that I'm anemic - guess that could have something to do with why I couldn't be arsed to get logged on over the weekend - lack of energy! So I expect once the iron tablets kick in I'll be logging on and typing like a nutter!
Funny that your mom lives around Oxford street, I can see some of it's advantages but personally I'll be glad to not have to come back to the area for a long time! I started doing a poll awhile back to see how often and who (male / female) were most likely to give up their seats for me, fortuantely I generally tend to travel after the rush hours in the morning and just before in the evenings (on the tube), so far I've only needed a seat 5 times, 4 out of the 5 times men have stood up and offered me their seats - while the women just hid behind their magazines! The 1 time a lady did get up for me. On a whole from what I gather from my poll after posting it here a lot of people just don't even seem to acknowledge pregnant ladies!! How rude!!! :x
That's funny about women being the rudest, its women who comment about my shape, size etc while all the men just say "ahh your pregnant" and nice things!

Sorry you're aneamic. I was told to just start taking iron as precautionery at 20 weeks. they are ok the ones I take, don't make you constipated! Apparantley its good to take them with orange juice as the vitamin c helps your body absorb the iron :D
Isn't it just wierd that women tend to re act like that? You'd think that especially for those that have been there before that they would be more sympathetic! Any who!!
Yes I've been taking my tabs with OJ and other citrus fruit if poss.
Was just wondering, how did you know you had a ghost in your house - as you can see this subject is intreaging me!? Did you hear him??
Its wierd actually cos before we moved in I started panicking that the house might be haunted by him as it seemed he was not expecting to die (had paint with names of the rooms on ready for decorating and other stuff fo house jobs) Everyone told me not to be stupid and said I'd watched too much Ghost Whisperer!! My DH's Mum and her husband are both psychic and her husband actually saw him when we first looked through the windows when we saw the house advertised. DHs mum saw her clairvoyant and told her that he hasn't moved over and was in the attic! DHs Mum went up and saw his shadow and asked him to leave. Her pendant says he's moved on but who knows? I never felt anything but wierdly when the hatch to the attic was opened so someone could have a look (there is a room up there) a really cold breeze hit my feet which was strange as our house is boiling. I think he is harmless anyway and don't mind if he's still there now. Some will think I'm nuts but I believe in the spirit world myself and am sure I feel my grandad around now and then.

Not long until you finish work and move now, that's exciting! Today was the first day we took a whole day off! We went to the beach, it was great really hot and hardly anyone there, moving was the best thing we ever did and I'm sure it will be for you too!

Hope you get some of that packing done so you aren't stressed at the end :D
Hey Skatty sorry getting lazy again - to hot to log on at the mo! I take it you have it just as bad in Denmark - don't think there is much of a difference in weather between here and Denmark is there?
Reading your ghost story does freak me out! At one point I started watching Most Haunted I (on Sky), was really getting into it but you never saw anything so eventually I gave up.
So you guys live near the beach? Sounds awesome, I'd love to go for a swim in the ocean - one it's too far away and two I'd be to frightend to walk around in a swimming suit!!! :shock:
Can't wait pne more week and I'm finally off on maternity leave :dance: and it now sounds like we should be moving arond the 3rd of August - still haven't done any packing, don't wanna come lend a hand do you?
Sorry its a bit far to help :lol:

I actually think its a bit cooler over here from how much I hear my Mum complain! The nights aren't too bad if I sleep with just a sheet.

It is nice living near the beach but I go with a pair of baggy, old shorts with an elastic band to close them and a vest top. My bikinis are proper bra ones and I can't even do them up! I don't think I should be embarrassed though, the danes don't seem to have any shame and only the other day an old woman had her saggy wrinkley arse out and her grey bush, a man came onto the beach head first and the look on his face made me need to pee myself! :rotfl:

Anyway enjoy your last week at work, I hope you'll get some nice presents :D
Nice sounds like you've got the swimming causey all sorted then!! The only thing it sounds like you're missing is the knotted handkie on your head :rotfl: . Actually popped into Mamas & Papas today and they had a sale on so got a nasty looking swim suit for a £10 - not bad mi thinks. Hoping to make it to a pool sometime soon before I internally combust. Also thinking of getting a paddling pool for when we move into the new house, then I can unpack a bit, soak in the paddle pool for a bit then unpack a bit more and then soak myself again for a bit - and so forth! So you get the beach and I'll have mi paddling pool!!
Yes the scandinavian folk are know for their exhibitionism aren't they, and why is it that you mainly only ever see the mingers running around naked?
OOh the paddling pool is a great idea, might go and have a look myself as our garden is too hot to sit in!

Yes its all mingers naked on the beach! It is really worrying as we have moved to the area where obesity is largest in Denmark. It is wierd after living in the Copenhagen area you hardly see anyone obese but here its like being in America! We though perhaps there is not much to do but eat and I've been doing plenty of that and hope I stop after Leorah arrives!

I've got my Mum coming over on Wednesday for a week so that will be really nice for a day and then we'll probably drive each other mad :lol:
Mothers yes I know what you mean! However with all that's been going on in your life recently I'm sure you won't have time to drive each other mad, you'll be to busy showing her your new home, the area and lots of baby talk! My mom is coming to London on the 25th August with 4 other people (friends and fam.), she's more doing the london toursits thing and was hoping to see both me and my sister at some point, unfortunately my sister and her family will be in Italy (lucky her!). So mom and co were then hoping to come see me one afternoon - a week before my due date :shock: , I told her I didn't think it would be a good idea, if it was her alone that would be one thing but 5 of them, when I'm probably feeling completely fed up, fat and not fitting into anything! So she's now taken that off her list of things to do for that weekend - Thank God!! Besides your mom is bring lots of goodies so it will be like an early Christmas for you :dance: !
OMG I'm glad you said know to that visit a week before your due date! I'm planning to do nothing the last couple of weeks :lol: Will your Mum come over agin for/after the birth? You are right about my Mum bringing loads of stuff! This is her first grandchild and her, my step dad and brothers are so excited! They are coming over for Xmas but are renting a summerhouse nearby for a week because thoughtfully they decided I wouldn't want a house full and a baby!
I hope you've started your packing! Is this your last week at work?

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