Skairdykats TTC diary *Pos OPK on CD14...yey!!!*


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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Thought I would start a TTC diary. Seems that a couple of ladies have done it the month they got their BFP's so it maybe the same for me LOL.

CD 6

AF is just leaving the building so on with the journey to CD28 again LOL. Bought some OPK's to use from CD11 this month. I know I've said I won't use them again because I never got a pos with them before but I only used them once a day before so may have been missing the surge.Bought 25 of Ebay so have enough for a couple of months hopefully 8)

I've also got some Pre-Seed to use this time due to the fact that I hardly ever notice EWCM. Although having said that I've never noticed it when I got PG with the boys either.

Think we'll try to BD every other day and just use the Pre-Seed around the time I get a + on the OPK's.
Skairdykat, drinking more water is supposed to help with the ewcm, I did it this month and I get a bfp, so i'm thinking it helped as i hardly drink much at at, i made sure that i had at least 2 litres every day.

Good Luck :pray:
I forgot to say that i didn't notice ewcm for the first 2 months of checking and this month i had loads, thats why i think the water helped, forgot to say that before
Theres no harm in trying, and its good for you too - BONUS!!

Hope it works for you this month :pray:
Good luck Skairdykat :hug: and keep up with the journal... it will help you and us :D
Good luck hun, the journal is a great idea :D Don't worry too much about the EWCM, I had some the first two months of trying, but on the the month I fell pg I never saw any at all!
CD 8

Still nothing much to report LOL. Going to start using the OPK's on Wednesday so will update everyday from then till I get the surge.

I've been drinking loads of water for 2 days which is an acheivement in itself cause I hate water :puke: but if it's going to get us our BFP then so be it.
I was just wondering if you are still taking your Agnus Castus? I've started it this month. Also having acupuncture.

Sus x
CD 11

OPK @ 11am - Faint second line which I didn't expect this early in my cycle :shock:

OPK @ 6.30pm - No line so don't know why I had the faint line earlier in the day :think: Any ideas?

Any ideas on last nights probs too? ... hp?t=45380

Sus I'm not taking the Agnus Castus this month because last cycle I started to spot 8 days b4 my period came so am not taking it this month to see if that had anything to do with it.
We all have the LH hormone needed for the opk but just in small amounts through out every cycle, thats why a faint line is a negative, if you got no line later in the day then your wee may be too duilted, therefore that small amout of LH can not be detected at all.

It's only a positive if the two lines are the same strength in colour or the result is darker then the control line, this is due to the surge in LH hormone meaning there is more to detect to make the egg pop out.

Men also have this hormone but stronger than us and will more than likely get a darker second line!! :rotfl:

These are very confusing trying to see if the line is the right colour, i've heard that the clear blue give a smiley face only when your about to ov, sounds great as there's no confusion but i think they are expensive!! Good luck Skairdy
Yesterday (CD12) - No surge


OPK @ 11.30am - 2nd line almost as dark as the control (is that neg?)
OPK @ 8.30pm - 2nd line fainter than earlier (have I missed the surge?)

It confusing :rotfl:

OPK @ 2pm - POSITIVE :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Do I still keep testing or not now?

Tempted to get it out of the bin when Rob's not looking to post a pic of it :rotfl:

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