Size of a Cow!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2005
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just having a really fat day if you know what I mean?! I have suddenly got a big bump and some how it doesn't look like a nice round neat bump in the middle- more like major major middle age spread with some!! I still have a waist slightly as well which makes it look almost like I'm not up the spout. Grr. I keep seeing ladies with a lovely neat round bump in the middle of their bodies and no waist and they look great! I feel like a mountain! Just had to get some new trainers as my old ones were falling apart and I'm finding it hard to bend over to do up the laces and I felt sooo big struggling to try on new ones! I did manage to get some with velcro however- hooray!

Just needed to vent- sorry. My DH just laughs and says "But you're pregnant, of course you're huge!" and says he still fancies me etc etc (mind you he has a crush on Fern Brittain!) but I just feel self-conscious in public sometimes.

Has anyone else still got a waist even though they're getting quite big? Or having a size of a cow day?

Im the same, im coming out at the sides too, loseing my curves :(

i carried like that with my daughter, and all in front with my son, so looks like im having another girl :)

im very big for 4 months too, hope i dont keep growing like this, i will pop! lol

i feel really fat too.... i'm 14+4 but was fairly big before getting pregnant, and now my trousers are too tight and i'm getting bigger, but not yet looking pregnant, just FAT. arghh!! i want a proper baby-belly not just flab!!! mine's not round either, i reckon that's why i'm so frustrated - i really DO just look fat.
Thanks ladies :) you've cheered me up in solidarity! I know what you mean petchy, not one person has guessed that I'm pregnant and I work in a Uni library where there are hundreds of students who see me every day and often do comment about hair styles, clothes etc. I think they're just not sure enough that I haven't just put on loads of weight! I'm 6 months gone on Wednesday- wah! I was not skinny before, probably a size 14-16 on top and 16-18 around the hips and I guess this is partly if not mostly why. I'm used to wearing clothes that hide bits of me so now that there's something I don't mind showing my cunning disguise is acting against me! Until last week I had comments of "You should be showing by now" and "you don't look pregnant" from women who do know which also wound me up because I am 50 cms wider round the waist for goodness sake and have been for weeks!! My DH points at women in crop tops with nice round pregnant tummies and says "If you want people to see it you could always wear something tighter and shorter" but I never have up to now and it wouldn't feel like me! Plus- what if I still just looked fat!! I am a silly woman I know it! :lol:

Hi Layla,

thanks for the photo :). Your bump is really nice! I still have a little ridge going in where my waist was. Funnily enough someone did say to me the other day that it looked like I was carrying at the front so it might be a boy but I don't really know what that means or if there's any truth in it (and if so why?!). What's the difference? I felt at the beginning that it was a boy, we didn't ask at the scan and now I'm not sure. I don't really mind but it's tricky having boy thoughts as I don't want to be even the slightest bit sad if it's a girl as I really really want both eventually and don't mind who comes now!

Thanks :)


My bump is not nice either, feels like am getting fatter lol People ask me : you are pregnant aren't you? And i want to see can't you see? But no, i have not this round belly, it goes into 2 parts like am getting fatter. But what I do in public is rubbing my belly so people know it is pregnancy lol
I have always had a big belly, like I have just given birth so now I am pregnant, want to enjoy it :)

feel fat all the time and forever asking my friends although I do have a nice bump, like a football sort of bump but have put weight on my hips as well as my bum but it's pretty neat and tidy - until I turn round LOL. Although I know it's going to drop and spread all over my midrif I'm sure! So I am not going to count on it staying that way as it is early days.

Em xxx
Rosebay said:
Hi Layla,

thanks for the photo :). Your bump is really nice! I still have a little ridge going in where my waist was. Funnily enough someone did say to me the other day that it looked like I was carrying at the front so it might be a boy but I don't really know what that means or if there's any truth in it (and if so why?!). What's the difference?

Thanks :)


Its an old wifes tale i think but it seems to ring true with alot of people.
When i carried my daughter i lost all curves at teh side, I seemed to put weight on my hips, tummy and bum! i looked fat rather than pregnancy, i didnt have a defined bump at all untill the end.
With my son, i looked like i had put a footbnall up my top, i had no weight gain around my hips or bum, it was all purely in front.

im not really sure what i am this time, up till now i think i have been in front, but i have noticed my sides going, so i may be carring all round now, i will find out what im having soon, if the baby lets me!
I think all that how you carry can determine the sex of the baby, my OHs sister last preg just had a bump and it was a girl, another girl at work was all up front you couldnt even tell from behind she was pg and she had a girl then a friend of mines sister got big all over gaining 7 stone and she had a girl!! so whats true who knows!
futuremum said:

But what I do in public is rubbing my belly so people know it is pregnancy lol
I have always had a big belly, like I have just given birth so now I am pregnant, want to enjoy it :)


Lol! I was doing this today at the traffic lights as I walked to work! Or putting one hand under my boobs and one hand under the bottom of the bump as I do look pregnant then! I might as well just have a big badge saying "Yes I'm pregnant, it's baby, not fat" (for once!!)

I seem to be other way round, I wish I was bigger. Today 3 people have commented on how I'm not showing, but I want to be!! I've been walking round sticking my belly out trying to look bigger - come on bump!!
my sister is like that, she is 20 weeks and is still in her size 10 jeans! lucky cow
I don't feel lucky, I feel a fraud looking round baby shops. I'm going to my first aquanatal class tomorrow I'm gonna feel stupid I don't even look pregnant to strangers!!
with my sister, she seems to get a little bump at night, are you the same?
I don't know I haven't really noticed!! But I think a lot of what I have is wind cos I'm sure I was bigger yesterday lol!!
Rosebay said:
I might as well just have a big badge saying "Yes I'm pregnant, it's baby, not fat" (for once!!)


I actually bought a badge that I wear on my bag strap that says 'Im not fat, Im pregnant'

I got it at a surf shop called Freespirit, if you have one near you, they have a load of badges on a rack at the counter.

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