Six Degrees Of Kevin Bacon

by rights I should make you wait as you kept me waiting all night last night, but since I am so nice I will have a go!

(actually tried to do it half an hour ago and realised Jessica Alba has been in bloody nothing!! Will try again!!)


How p'd off did you get when you saw a new post on this thread and then saw it was just me moaning!! :rotfl:
jessica alba in sleeping dictionary with bob hoskins
bob in hook with julia roberts
julia in oceans 11 with george cloony
george in oceans 13 with al pacino
al in devils advocate with keanu

very long winded I am sure there must be an easier way!!

jodie foster and jude law
missac said:
by rights I should make you wait as you kept me waiting all night last night, but since I am so nice I will have a go!

(actually tried to do it half an hour ago and realised Jessica Alba has been in bloody nothing!! Will try again!!)


How p'd off did you get when you saw a new post on this thread and then saw it was just me moaning!! :rotfl:

You crack me up you do :rotfl: Lets say I did get a little excited when I saw the new post, and then thought - dratz & dbl dratz!! I love this game!!! (Thanks Urchin :hug: )
Don;t know if you'll allow this one.....

Jodie Foster in Panic Room with Nicole Kidman (who was Stephens girlfriend on the phone!! Apparently!!)
Nicole in Cold Mountain with Jude Law

Here's a more viable one (with a friends link):

Jodie Foster was in Inside Man with Clive Owen
Clive Owen was in Derailed with Jennifer Anniston
Jennifer Anniston in Friends with Alec Baldwin (How funny was he in that!!!)
Alec Baldwin was in The Aviator with Jude Law

Next 2:

Anthony Hopkins & Jim Carrey
anthony hopkins was narrator in how the grinch stole christmas, a film that starred jim carrey as the grinch!!

How smug am I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: I am smugging!!!
so blummin smug I forgot to do my next two:

thandie newton and antonio banderas
Ok, smuggy Sue!!!! :shakehead: Getting my two in the same blummin film :wall: :wall:

Ha ha - I also want to say sorry again for leaving you all night w/o replying - sorry sorry sorry *grovel grovel* although technically you'll be ignoring my reply all day cos 'you'll be at work' or something else trivial like that :lol: you go chicken pie:

Thandie Newton was in one of the Mission Impossibles with Tom Cruise
Tom was in Jerry Maguire (love that film :cheer: ) with Renee Zellweger
Renee was in Chicago with Catherine Zeta Jones
CZJ was in Mask of Zorro with Antonio Banderas


Next 2............. Clive Owen and Kevin Bacon
I am just back I hope you have been on the edge of your seat!!!! I will get on with the next two and get back to you!!
clive owen in closer with julia roberts
julia was in oceans 11 with brad pitt
brad in sleepers with Kevin Bacon

Next Two:

Bob De Nero and Julie Walters

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