Six Degrees Of Kevin Bacon

In answer to Urchins.....

Morgan Freeman in se7en with Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt with Angelina Jolie in Mr & Mrs Smith.....

....jennywren - you can name two more x
Emmylou said:
In answer to Urchins.....

Morgan Freeman in se7en with Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt with Angelina Jolie in Mr & Mrs Smith.....

....jennywren - you can name two more x

done - sorry i forgot
Ewan MacGregor & Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge

Nicole with Sean Penn in The Interpretor

Sean Penn was Ursulas boyfriend (Phoebes twin) in Friends with Matt le Blanc

Next 2:

Kiera Knightly with Sean Connery
Sean Connery / Catherine Zeta Jones - Entrapment
CZJ / Julia Roberts - Americas Sweethearts
Julia Roberts / Clive Owen - Closer
Clive Owen / Kiera Knightly - King Arthur

Paul Walker with Shannyn Sossamon
who the heck are they jw? (I have shortened your name!!!)
Okay that was a really mean one........

Here you go....

Paul Walker was in Fast & the Furious with Vin Diesel (yum!)
Vin Diesel was in Saving Private Ryan with Matt Damon
Matt Damon was in Good Will Hunting with Ben Affleck
Ben Affleck was in Pearl Harbour with Josh Hartnett
Josh Hartnett was in 40 days & 40 nights with Shannyn Sossamon

phew.....that just about killed my brain cells that this game!!!

Next 2............Keanu Reeves with Cate Blanchett
keanu in speed with dennis hopper
dennis in true romace with brad pitt
brad in friends with the cast
the cast in friends with alec baldwin
alec baldwin in the avator with cate

thank goodnes that was tricky!!

russel crow and sandra bullock
Head.... hurts.....

Russell Crowe was in the Insider with Al Pacino
Al Pacino was in the Godfather with Marlon Brando
Marlon Brando was in Apocalypse Now with Dennis Hopper
Dennis Hopper was in Speed with Sandra Bullock

And no mention of Friends at all!! :wink: :rotfl:

And the next one is....
Samuel L Jackson and Michael J Fox.
i do seem to be able to link friends to everything!!!!

sam was in die hard with bruce
bruce was in friends with monica
monica was with michael in family ties

i did it again :rotfl:
ooh, I was so proud of myself i forgot to give another 2:

arnold swartzeneggar and mike myers
Arnie and Tia Carrere in True Lies
Tia and Mike Myers In Waynes World

Matthew Broderick and Jodie Foster
matthew broderick was with nicole kidman in stepford wives
nicole was in days of thunder with tom cruise
tom cruise was in mission impossible anthony hopkins
anthony hopkins was with jodie foster in silence of the lambs

sascha baron cohen and denzel washington
lol i liked to make things difficult for ya M!! I shortened your name as well ha ha!!

Someone got it though ha ha (but comeone you dont know who paul walker is - check ou the hot appreciation thread)
Ok i got it......even popped a friends link in there for you :wink:

Sasha Baron Cohen was a voice for Madagascar as was David Schwimmer
David Schwimmer was in Friends, Brad Pitt starred in an episode
Brad Pitt starred in Mr & Mrs Smith with Angelina Jolie
Angelins Jolie was in The Bone Collector with Denzel Washington

Next 2 for you............

Pierce Brosnan and Jude Law
Easy! :wink:

Pierce Brosnan was in Mars Attacks with Jack Nicholson
Jack Nicholson was in The Departed with Leo DiCaprio
Leo DiCaprio was in the Aviator with Jude Law

Lets have 2 ladies - Susan Sarandon and Courtney Cox (the Friends thing is just for you missac! :wink: )
Easy Peasy.......

Susan Sarandon was in Thelma & Louise with Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt was in Friends with Courtney Cox

Next 2: Ben Stiller & Minnie Driver
Right...not very easy, but got there! :D

Ben Stiller was in Meet the Fockers with Dustin Hoffman
Dustin Hoffman was in Runaway Jury with John Cusack
John Cusack was in Grosse Pointe Blank with Minnie Driver

So try...
Noah Wyle and Dan Aykroyd
That was a good one.......gone round the houses with it too I think......

Noah Wyle was in Donnie Darko with Jake Gyllenhall
Jake was in The Good Girl with Jennifer Anniston
Jen was in Friends with Matt Le Blanc
Matt was in Charlies Angels with Drew Barrymore
Drew was in 50 First Dates with Dan Akroyd

:cheer: (Even popped friends in - it a good connecting one that is!!)

Next 2 for you:

Jessica Alba with Keanu Reeves
missac said:
you're all doing friends ones without me!!!! :shakehead:

Well you know.....if you will go to work for gods sake :rotfl: (I technically should have been working....but you know!...the joys of working for yourself).

C'mon then link up Jessica Alba with Keanu Reeves so that I can have another go, as I dont think I should reply to myself!! :rotfl:

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