Sing & Sign

no i wanted to take B but it was an 30 mins car journey away that i just couldnt do aas i dont drive
wish id have been able to try it tho
my neice did it think she still does but afaik it was great :)
In our area they start from 6 months. Ive put Isabella's name down on the waiting list - Im really looking forward to it only 3 months to go
I take Seren every Friday morning and she loves it :D
I take my son every Friday and he enjoys the social side - however I think I learn more than he does! lol

You may find out more opinions in the existing thread on baby sign language listed a bit further down the general discussion board. I havent figured out how to do a clicky to other threads yet but will try adding this link for you!
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Yes Elliott LOVES it! Especially the funny lady who waves her hands around! This is our second course and I'd really recommend it to anyone. It's a fun session once a week, we learn new songs and of course there are the signs etc. He did the first course at about 7months, now at 10 months he can sign "finished" which doesn't sound like much but I'm very proud! If I try to feed him past the "finished" sign I get my hands pushed away so he knows what he means by it! One of the women in my group did it with her first baby when she was about a year as her baby was getting so frustrated at not making herself understood that she would scream a lot, she started doing loads of signs very quickly (as she knew what she wanted to communicate but couldn't get her mouth to make the sounds I guess) and she was much more happy and content.

It's worth a go anyway! I get such sarky comments from some friends and relations about it but I don't care, if the most we're getting out of it is fun time together where he gets to meet other babies, learn some songs and have a laugh then that's fine anyway in my book!
its £5 a session locally,
Bit of a rip off for an hour!
plus if i go to toddlers and swimming too - it gets way too expensive.
Ive put Isabella's name down and we should start in February 07. I cant wait, I love the social side aswell!!

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