Silly sleeping question...


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2010
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My LO is 8 weeks old today :dance: It's really flown by, but I have a question in regards to her sleeping pattern and its gonna sound really silly :lol:

I've had her in a really good routine the last couple of weeks. She's basically had a bath at 9pm, in bed for 10pm and she's not been waking up till 5/6am, awake then till about 12pm, few more hours sleep and awake again at around 5/6pm till her bath and so on.... which has been brilliant.

But the last couple of days she's been sleeping none stop, literally. She's been waking every 4 hours approx for a feed, having about half an hour awake (in which she's been super grumpy) and then going back to sleep again.

As I said, its probably silly of me to worry about this as I'm getting quite a lot of time to myself which is not something I'd've associated with this stage of motherhood :lol:
She could be going through a growth spurt? I've heard they tend to sleep a lot more when going through one x
I think the same as Helen, growth spurt probably, we've not experienced this though, despite Freddie being 8 weeks old today as well!
Deffinatly a growth spurt. Paige is exactly the same during it. She just sleeps allllll the time, or at least she did when she was younger. :)

Enjoy the sleeping!
Yep I agree growth spurt - mine has gone the other way and is awake loads!

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