silly question....curtains!


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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I know this is probably a stoooopid question, but I figured this is the best place to ask! I've tasked myself with sorting out the spare room and turning it into a nursery this week. I've cleared it out and stripped the walls today, have chosen the paint and border and will start actually decorating in the next couple of days or so.

My question is.....does anyone know what sort of curtains should you use in a nursery?? Blackout curtains? Curtains that let natural light in? Somewhere inbetween?!! I don't know how much sunrise/sunset has an effect on LO's sleeping patterns when they're first born? Can anyone shed any light? (pardon the pun lol!)
Shed any light?! Hehe - Made me chuckle!

Unfortunately i'm wondering EXACTLY the same as you so would love to know myself.
I got blackout blinds for my daughter, worked really well
so will be getting some more for this baby! Hope that helps :)
Personally I dont believe in blacking out a room for a baby to sleep in. They dont sleep in total darkness in the womb. We dont naturally sleep in black out darkness. If you ever want to sleep anywhere except that room then you're screwed! not everyone has black out curtains. So I prefer regular blinds or curtains that let in a some light. I actually like that my LOs have slept lighter during the day because of the light so they do recognise that night time is for sleeping properly!
I have blackout blinds in all the bedrooms anyway, when I migraine hits I just want darkness! I've heard a lot of people with the same opinion as you Mervs Mum, something to be mindful of when bubs arrives. My thoughts were that it might help to keep the room cool too, bubs room catches all the sun and heats up a fair bit even in the winter, so at least I could control that outwith sleepy times too. There's just so much to think about!
I have 'normal' baby curtains iykwim?
The verticals that we have in AJ's room are made of a plastic type material (they sound really naff when written down :lol:) but keep the light out better than fabric verticals.
Its not completely dark and it works just fine for us...AJ hasn't complained yet!!
I have a roman blind in Sid's room with a black out lining to block heat out as it's south facing but I have it fitted to over lap the window so that a small amount of light can sneak in at the edges :)
hmmm I get the point about babies/young children needing to know that night-time is for sleeping, sounds like a mix of optional black-out blinds and decorative curtains might be best - at least then I can just choose curtains that look nice and let the blinds do the functional stuff! Thanks everyone!!
i just have normal curtains to match my cot bedding. from the babies r us 'i love you bear range'.
Good answers :) I also have to have my room pitch black when a migraine hits - just crawl up and feel sorry for myself for a few days!

I think we might go for a venetian blind then - they're sort of in the middle I suppose. They'll block out a lot of sunlight but still let enough in. Our LO's room catches all the sun too - plus the airing cupboard is in there. I dunno! We'll sort something!

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