

Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2009
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I was just wondering if anyone had experienced something similar, and whether it was down to diet?

Been a couple of weeks, but comes and goes so none of it is a daily thing.

Stomach Pain/Bloating
Vomiting (not very often)
Sweet Smelling Urine

I'm not PG, and I have no family history of anything like diabetes.

I am fairly certain it is probably down to diet. I've been pretty slack, and not been taking my normal vitamins and oils for the last few weeks and not drinking enough water. I'm certainly not getting my 5 a day like I used to!



Breakfast: one slice brown toast
Lunch: Roast Vegetable Lasagne & chips
Dinner: Spaghetti

Snacks: Galaxy bar, two slices bread, 2 cans pepsi


Breakfast: skipped
Lunch: Tomato soup and two slices wholemeal bread

Snacks: 1 can pepsi

So has anyone else experienced anything similar, and did a change in diet help?
Even before the pregnancy sickness kicked in I suffered from reflux and IBS so would get these symptoms

Stomach Pain/Bloating
Vomiting (not very often)

Was told by numerous consultants that in mild cases changes in diet can be enough to stop it, so of what you've put up for what you've eaten the culprits according to what I was told could be chocolate, pepsi and tomato soup (quite acidic). Other than that though I'm not sure, and obviously I didn't have the headaches or tiredness, so it's possible yours is a different issue entirely xx
Yep, pretty sure. I've tested just in case and it was BFN. I'm not ready to get PG so OH and I were using two forms of contraceptive for awhile, and have had no accidents.

Unfortunately I went onto Cerazette for a couple of months and it really screwed up my cycles. I'm yet to get my AF back, so that could have something to do with it too.

Just feel rubbish. I've been clinging to the sofa for most of the day!
Could be, I stopped cerezette in november and have ovulated for first time this month now 8DPO and I have the same symptoms except for the nausea and the urine, so could be body getting back to normal :hug:
Even before the pregnancy sickness kicked in I suffered from reflux and IBS so would get these symptoms

Stomach Pain/Bloating
Vomiting (not very often)

Was told by numerous consultants that in mild cases changes in diet can be enough to stop it, so of what you've put up for what you've eaten the culprits according to what I was told could be chocolate, pepsi and tomato soup (quite acidic). Other than that though I'm not sure, and obviously I didn't have the headaches or tiredness, so it's possible yours is a different issue entirely xx

I am definitely cutting the crap from today. It can't hurt to stop, and it's not exactly doing me any good!

I did get looked into for IBS/Chrons before as I had quite bad stomach pains. Everything checked out ok though, and bizarrely it was my appendix causing me trouble!

I didn't realise tomato soup was acidic though, thanks for telling me!
Could be, I stopped cerezette in november and have ovulated for first time this month now 8DPO and I have the same symptoms except for the nausea and the urine, so could be body getting back to normal :hug:

Could be a combination then....Cerazette causing some symptoms then the poor quality diet causing nausea and the excess sugars from fizzy drink and chocolate causing the sweet smell.
I'd say it is diet related, especially as you were so diligent about your veggies and all your soups. I feel abit blah as well and I know for sure its lack of water and too much caffeine and it would explain the headaches as well. Pastas/bread tend to be very bloating and you definitely don't realise that while you're eating them. Now when I eat bread I feel puffy in the face almost straight away and try to keep it within 2-3 days a week at the most
Could be the pill hun, i hate the pill, always makes me feel crappy.

If you think your diet is poor i would hate to tell you the crap i eat lol Maybe your diet lacks something, like not enough salt, protein, fibre etc I'm crap at knowing what food contains but maybe you could look into it. I hope you start to feel better soon :hug: xx
Oh just another thought, are you stressed or anxious at all? I used to suffer nervous bowel syndrome, similar to IBS but caused by stress. It has similar symptoms to what you described xx
I'd say it is diet related, especially as you were so diligent about your veggies and all your soups. I feel abit blah as well and I know for sure its lack of water and too much caffeine and it would explain the headaches as well. Pastas/bread tend to be very bloating and you definitely don't realise that while you're eating them. Now when I eat bread I feel puffy in the face almost straight away and try to keep it within 2-3 days a week at the most

Yep, you're right. Before the break I was pretty fastidious about what I ate. So for two weeks my diet has been awful. I'm guessing coming off Cerazette has made some symptoms worse, like the nausea to the point of sickness.

Well I had a nice healthy dinner, and have had 4 glasses of water since my last post and feel better for it :yay: Hopefully another week or two and will be back to normal.
Was naughty and went for a run at 9:30pm :oops: I wasn't feeling 100%, but I do feel better for it now after being outside in the fresh air. Shame it was in a blizzard! I think the dog hates me now, he's been in his bed since we got back :rofl:

I think it is the fact my body was so used to being healthy, and over the last 2 weeks I've eaten crap. I mean, at in laws we ate takeaway like every night. I'll also be glad when the flipping Cerazette finally leaves my system!

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