Sickness and diarrhea


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Hey girls,
ive just got over a bad bout of sickness and diarrhea, all day yesterday i was on the loo (sorry if tmi) and i couldn't stop being sick, i couldn't even keep water down, it was horrible. i phoned nhs and they said to just keep an eye on it and make sure i try and eat. i had some dry toast and a tiny bit of plain pasta but i just couldn't eat. i'm a bit worried this would have harmed the baby in some way because i didn't eat, all i could do was drink water. ive had 3 full meals today and have been drinking plenty but i suppose id just like a bit of reassurance that this bug wouldn't have affected the baby. sorry if worrying over nothing, pregnancy has turned me into such a worrier! Hope your all ok. take care xx
I'm sure it's fine hun lots of ladies in tri 1 find it difficult to keep anything down for the first three months and the bubs are just fine. If the NHS were worried they'd have asked you to come in.

Hope you're feeling better :hug:
as it only wnet on for one day there shouldn't be a problem.

Hey hun.

I had this in November (which flushed out pill and resulted in LO!) Then me and OH both got it two days after xmas and LO is fine.

Keep your fluids up now, lots of water, and eat what you can manage. :hug:
Hi Hun

Try not to worry, i have had 2 tummy bugs in this pregnancy both in the same Month and i had 2 with my previous pregnancy with my son who is 5, my midwife said the baby is like a parasite and can live on next to nothing!!

If you need extra reassurance ask your midwife if you can pop in and listen to the heart beat on the doppler????

Hope you are feeling better :hug:

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