Sicked up blood?


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Isaac has no temp, nothing out of the ordinary, but he was just slightly sick after his feed just now (like normal) but this time it looked like it was streaked with blood.

This isn't normal for him but wondering if I should be concerned? I'm not too worried as he seems himself. But just wondering...?

Does he have nosebleeds at all? It might be he had one and swallowed some blood.

I'd personally call your GP or NHS Direct on this one and ask the professionals to be on the safe side.
Thanks sherlock will get DH to phone tomorrow. I don't want to seem like the overreacting paranoid mummy. Nice to know someone else would do it in this situation!

I asked DH to clip his nails today...I was wondering if it could be his nails were sharp and he loves to eat his fingers :lol: was wondering if maybe he'd nicked something inside his mouth and drew blood. Don't know how likely that is but I guess it's a possibility. I tried looking in but he won't keep his mouth open for long :lol:
I personally would never chance not taking my lo to the gp if they had sicked up blood as you need to rule everything out, and just because they seem fine does not always mean they are hun,

All the best
did you ring them hun? how is he?

I would've called NHS direct immeadiately if James had sicked up blood. I think if you are ever worried even in the slightest act straight away :hug: its not being paranoid, its being sensible
I shouldve thought about this before but I cant phone anyone cos I'm deaf and DH's working away at the moment. Just texted a friend but she's not replied. Not sure what to do now :wall:
Panic over, DH came home from work early today as finished early. He rang the doc and the doc wasn't concerned either. I'm not concerned cos he has no temp and is absolutely normal, nappies normal, etc etc. Just for peace of mind I guess. Isaac has been sick post feed like normal and no redness in it at all. One of those weird things I guess. Thanks everyone for your replies :hug:

ETA: This has made me realise I need to have a plan in case of emergency if DH is working away and I need to phone doc/nhs direct/whoever. Wonder how it's going to work but I really need to think it through!
Thanks, didn't know they had a textphone service. That'll be useful once I get my textphone sorted - must put that a little bit higher on my list of priorities ey?!

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