Sick note or not


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
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I've got 13 days to go until maternity leave, but the last 2 weeks people at working have really put on me and expected me to work silly hours to get things done for them. I'm feeling really shattered and down AND my boss hasn't found a replacement for me whilst I am off. Yesterday was mental so I don't know if I can cope TBH
I agree with Nicola g, your health is very important. Your doctor may even be the one to suggest that he/she gives you a sick note up until mat leave is due to begin.

Definitely get a sick note it doesn't sound like your work are being very fair on you.
I'm sure as soon as you go to the doctors and explain the situation they will give you a sick note anyway.

:hug: :hug:
I think you should get a sick note too, or ask if there's anyway you can start mat leave early? I did and they let me go the following week.
hi hon

I wasn't coping at work and doc gave me a note for a week, i feel like a new person after the rest, health and bubs first, we need our strength for the birth
Sounds like your feeling the strain which you and baby don't need! Go see your doctor and sod work!
I asked the doctor to write to work and tell them they had to do a risk assessment and adjust my work as I was unable to do it (I love my job but I can't walk up and down stairs carrying things anymore!) but he said he'd give me a sick note for 2 weeks instead. If you don't feel that work will accomodate what you are realistically able to do (and by realistic I mean without over doing things like you are at the moment) then get signed off. You will feel a lot better for it.
I thought I would feel guilty about others having to do things because I'm not there but to be honest I haven't thought about it much :oops: I've nearly finished knitting a scarf for OH and I've started quilting a blanket for LO :D
poppy160 said:
I think you should get a sick note too, or ask if there's anyway you can start mat leave early? I did and they let me go the following week.

I could but then I'd loose out on two weeks pay at the end of my mat leave, so with a sick note I get full pay :lol:
go for the sick note. you need to be calm, relaxed and not worn out! Doc will understand and your work should too :) xx

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