Sick and tired of being sick and tired


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2008
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Hello all - my morning sickness had pretty much gone and I was filled with joy and glowing - and now hitting week 13 I'm so sick, all the time, and so tired and I'm being horrible to my OH because I'm so tired and grumpy, which is rubbish because he's working such long hours now that I'm expecting so that we can afford everything we need - and I'm completely exhausted. I was so close to calling in sick today but don't think that's fair when he's working so much and he's as tired as me because I've kept him up half the night rambling and crying!

Help :cry:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I cant offer much advice on the sickness as I never had any, but the tiredness definitely gets better and from weeks 14 to 22 I was sleeping really well; albeit getting up a couple of times a night for a pee :D

For the last couple of weeks I was back in bed at 10pm and sleeping for a straight 10 hours, yet for the last week Im not half as tired, even though I dont sleep well due to hip and bump pain.

Im thinking a lot is due to increased exercise as started walking my dog for a good 2-3 miles a day, rather than 2 shorter walks which I did previously! I know its hard if you feel sick, but have you tried going for a walk, or swim after work?

Hope you feel better soon :hug:
I'm trying to walk - there's a pool in our complex so as soon as my new cossie arrives I'll be swimming again - I'm too fatty for my normal one already :rotfl:

I thought the sickness was gone and I just want to enjoy being pregnant but right now it's horrible :(
i can sympathise with the sickness. Ive yet to find something that 'cures' it :wall:

I think i feel tired cause im being so sick, im not eating enough. But since my GP said i looked anemic im wondering if thats the real reason im so tired. We will see what the bloods say.

Ive been told the morning sickness should have fadded by 15 weeks.
Only two more weeks of this to go then... :wall: :cry: :sleep:
don;t meant to scare you, but mine is still ongoing. Ive got used to it more than its got better :cry:

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