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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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Kitchen please! ours needs decorating and i'm sick of using boring colours so im looking for some inspiration
Eeeek no way! You have seen our mess of a kitchen!!! :lol:

It's blue and white :D
we have just done ours... well painted it lol... its needs a mega clean today so if i get it all finished I will post some pics!!

thats the kitchen end.
Our kitchen has been in mid decoration now for over a year!! does my head in.

Hennally your kitchen is gorgeous!!
Wow Hennaly what a gorgeous kitchen :)
i'm not showing mine its a right mess (as in washing up isnt done) lol
thanks, it doesnt always look like that believe me :lol:
If I remember correctly Urchin has a GORGEOUS kitchen. :)
Hey i can google come kitchens and pretend their mine if youd like ? Mines boring an cant do anything to it cus were renting but i like......
So erm this is my my up 2 down

lol we live in hope ! has some funky ideas !

And Beanies got a lush kitchen !
Here's mine, too much stuff and not enough storage


the buggy is now in the cupboard as oit was never getting used.
MagicMarkers said:
And Beanies got a lush kitchen !

OMG spoooky - I just posted and hadn't realised you wrote that. Thank you but its not sadly - it could be but a toddler and a baby and all the junk they come with makes it a mess.
lol Alright then Beanies got a potentially lush kitchen :)

i think im just in love with those type of kitchen doors, and i think i actually prefer either wooden worktops or tiled ones !
We had ours decorated a couple of months ago. Before it was a horrid terracotta :puke:


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH the kitchen in our new house is LUSH LUSH LUSH! Will post pics when I have the keys. Lol. It's wooden cupboards, dark shiny surface and silvery-steel sort of tiles. Ok, bad description but i loveeeee it :)

your kitchens are all nice too :) they look homey, can i come for a cuppa?
Squiglet said:
If I remember correctly Urchin has a GORGEOUS kitchen. :)

nope, not me, mine's has more red in it than this now though

I'm looking for inspiration too. My walls are white at mo as in a new house, only thing is though I have a glass screen looking into living room so have to incorporate the colours with living room ones :wall: white it is :lol:
my kitchen has 3 ivory walls and one dark purple wall. my living room is cream with dark purple accessories. i have a glass door separating them so wanted them to match

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