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Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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Engagement/wedding/eternity rings!

With Krystal getting engaged its making me all nostalgic about when me and DH got engaged and how much i loved showing off my ring! (lol that sounds so wrong! ha!)

Anyways...thought it would be nice to see everyone elses too so I will start off by posting a pic of my engagement and wedding ring.... :D Both rings are platinum and I wont say how much the engagement ring cost cos i nearly fainted when i found out!! But the wedding ring was only about £150 cos i just wanted a plain ring so that the engagement ring stood out. :D

Im still wearing my eight Euro ring that i got at New Year. We havent had enough money to upgrade it yet.

Tell you its lasted well tho
me and OH got engaged 7 year ago when i was 15 but after a few hard years and fallouts we decided to get re-engaged with new ring in december 2006. we are going to start saving as soon as i leave uni and start work and im hoping for a wedding abroad.


my other ring was similar except this one aint from argos lol


My engagement and wedding ring are platinum. The engagement ring was bought at full price but I won my wedding ring on ebay for £99!
This is my engagement ring - we got engaged 3 weeks ago ;)


forgot to say its black diamond and white gold ;)
here is mine, it needs enlarging though as i have fat fingers since giving birth :(

this is me and hubbys hand on the acutally wedding day hence my yucky nails and his black nail varnish (hes a skater boy!)

Our wedding rings were made specially for us by a local cornish artist, and the engagment ring is one we chose together, as a replacment for the original

These are our wedding rings, they are 18 carat with a diamond on each. I will post my engagement one wen i find a pic.
Soulmates wedding rings are the ultimate token of love. The pair of diamonds in the two wedding rings will be cut from the same rough diamond that was formed millions of years ago. These two diamonds have a relationship as unique as yours.
I love the fact that they are cut from same diamond, makes them unique :)
happy_chick said:
These are our wedding rings, they are 18 carat with a diamond on each. I will post my engagement one wen i find a pic.
Soulmates wedding rings are the ultimate token of love. The pair of diamonds in the two wedding rings will be cut from the same rough diamond that was formed millions of years ago. These two diamonds have a relationship as unique as yours.
I love the fact that they are cut from same diamond, makes them unique :)

they are gorgeous

alex has lost his :evil:
my engagement ring was given to alex by my nan (probably doesnt make sence to most people lol) but it is a family heirloom or whatever u call them and she wanted me to have it. when we talked aobut gettign engaged she gave it to alex. i lvoe it.. its going to be with my for the rest of my life :D my weddign ring is a little snug on me now mind you after being preggy.. so im jsut wearing my engagment ring right now.

Havent put a picture on the forum before so i hope ive done it right, if so it should be below lol.

Loola said:

This is mine, I love it! :D

my ring was the same as this but the band was not straight it was offset each side curled in towards the stones if you know what i mean! but i'm not engaged anymore..loved my ring but i think it was cursed :-(
can't put a picture up as am posting from my phone thanks to internet not working at all now :evil: but my wedding ring and engagement ring together cost less than £200 from h-samuel. I am not ashamed in any way and love my rings all the same. It's what they stand for, not what they cost. Plus i ruin rings being down the stables all the time, already lost 2 stones from the ring i got for our anniversary :blush: if we had lots of money to spare then, yes, i probably would have a more expensive set, but all our spare money goes into savings and that is more important to me :)
this is mine, he left the reciept in the box....£1000 :eek:


our wedding rings are the same, we have each others names and the date on the inside

This is my engagement ring

it's got a 0.02ct diamond. DH knows I'm not fond of diamonds, hence the small one in this ring.

and these are our wedding rings

My wedding ring has a 0.01ct diamond in it. I didn't want a diamond, but DH insisted. We also had each other's name and wedding date engraved on the inside of the rings.
emeraldsroses said:
This is my engagement ring

it's got a 0.02ct diamond. DH knows I'm not fond of diamonds, hence the small one in this ring.

and these are our wedding rings

My wedding ring has a 0.01ct diamond in it. I didn't want a diamond, but DH insisted. We also had each other's name and wedding date engraved on the inside of the rings.

Ooo I love those wedding rings they are really different but so lovely
Jen&James said:
emeraldsroses said:
and these are our wedding rings

My wedding ring has a 0.01ct diamond in it. I didn't want a diamond, but DH insisted. We also had each other's name and wedding date engraved on the inside of the rings.

Ooo I love those wedding rings they are really different but so lovely
Thanks. DH wanted white gold and I wanted yellow gold, but I didn't think that getting two different rings would look good, so I found those while we were browsing in a jewler's. He liked them instantly. We had to spend more than our original budget, but not much more. I'm happy we found them when we did. A year later and we would have paid 1.5 times the amount easily.
My engagement ring is a pink sapphire with two small diamonds on each side of it. I love it :)

Our wedding rings are being made at the moment but they will look like this with our wedding date engraved around them - · XVIII · X · MMVIII ·

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