should i worry or is it ok


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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from wen braydon was a newborn he put on a lb in weight a week then at 6 months started to put .5 lb a week 5 weeks ago i took him to HV and he was 23lb 3oz and today i took him and he was 23lb so he has lost 3 lb in 5 weeks he is crawling loads and eating well so im not to sure if i should be worried or not?
he is also extremely tall only just on the chart in our health visitor book so i dont know if 23 lb is to lil or wot my HV sed not to worry but just keep making sure he eats enough
would be very grateful for ur advice please girlys
hannah is only 20lb 9oz and she is fine she is putting hardly anything on at all, she put .5lb on in 5 weeks
Sarah don't worry hon its totally normal at his age because he is now becoming very active.
Ky is exactly the same - He never puts more than a few ounces on in a 3 week period...sometimes he stays the same and on occation he has lost a few ounces. Generally though he tracks the 50th percentile on his weight chart, so I try not to worry too much as the Health Visitor is not at all concerned- Although I do worry anyway!
Ky weighed 20lb 15oz at the end of July and there is only a few days between our lil boys, so Braydon is doing really well at 23+lbs - He looks lovely and healthy too!

awwww thanks hun
im not so worried nemore just not used to him loosing and not gaining lol over reacted again
Its a Mommy's job to worry and over react Sarah - We all do it ...It's so easy to tell someone else not to worry, but with your own you worry about EVERYTHING! - I too am guilty of it! - We should get used to it, we have at least another 17+ years of this worry!
Hey hunnie

you always worry i know but B looks so healthy so dont worry so much.
sounds liek a good size ot me.
sara he's onlt lost 3 ounces not 3 lb, thats nothing hun, that could be the difference of him eating just before being weighed and being fed after. its normal for then to lose weight now and again anyway as long as it doesn't continue

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