Hi ladies,
So I'm feeling really down. Not sure if I've missed ovulation. My cycles have been a bit all over the place since having my first baby and my last one was 34 days long. I bought some opks just cheapie ones from amazon and they arrived on cycle day 15. At this point I was just having creamy cm and cervix was low (although can't really tell the difference since having my first baby) so i didnt think id missed ovulation. So I've been doing the tests since cd 12 I do one in the morning and one in the afternoon. 2 days ago I had a bit of ewcm and some cramping. Yesterday I had some ewcm and an almost positive opk - didn't manage to bd yesterday. Done another test this morning and it's definately negative. Have I missed ovulation? I had some mild cramping this morning too. Feeking really down 😟 thanks ladies x
So I'm feeling really down. Not sure if I've missed ovulation. My cycles have been a bit all over the place since having my first baby and my last one was 34 days long. I bought some opks just cheapie ones from amazon and they arrived on cycle day 15. At this point I was just having creamy cm and cervix was low (although can't really tell the difference since having my first baby) so i didnt think id missed ovulation. So I've been doing the tests since cd 12 I do one in the morning and one in the afternoon. 2 days ago I had a bit of ewcm and some cramping. Yesterday I had some ewcm and an almost positive opk - didn't manage to bd yesterday. Done another test this morning and it's definately negative. Have I missed ovulation? I had some mild cramping this morning too. Feeking really down 😟 thanks ladies x