Should i be annoyed at my MIL?


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2007
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We went over for sunday dinner today and my mother in law said ive made some mash potato and veg puree for kyran is it ok if i give it to him? well he's never had food before so i was a bit unsure but i said yes basically because i felt pressured and she looked so pleased with herself :roll: really i wanted it to be a thing between me and my OH when WE decided it was right! but anyway....

However Kyran ate the whole lot and didnt spit any out like i thought he would and seemed to cope fine with it. He also drank a 6oz bottle after which i was pleased about. (he's never been a hungry baby so i was worried it would fill him up and he wouldnt want his milk)

Im annoyed that i felt pressured to say yes but on the whole i didnt expect kyran to take so well to it and drink his bottle as well? maybe it is time to wean him? or just introduce some new tastes? :think: im confused now!!!
I would say see how he goes. He could still get a wee tummy ache later on. :(

The thing with granny's is that they get so excited that it is difficult to say no. x
i dont think you should feel annoyed at her.. perhaps you should have thought about it and decided after a few mins thought.. but hes old enough to have it 17 weeks+ so its not going to harm him if thats what ur worried about? see how he goes you will know when he is ready.. if you go over again and u have deided you dont think hes ready tell ehr hes not ready yet. xx
She asked, you said yes. No reason to be mad at her - you could have said no.
No reason to be mad at her - you could have said no

:? well if id felt it was that easy at the time i wouldnt be having this conversation....

Like i said i felt pressured at the time and she just sprang it on me with it all pureed and ready in a bowl. shes been going on at me for a month about weaning him. she weaned all her three at three months (apparently the norm back then) She meant well and i know she has kyran's best interests at heart, but not mine maybe!

I guess im annoyed at myself for not saying i needed to think about it first.

Im sure im just over reacting :( Ky is fine and seemed to enjoy it. Im not worried about him being ill he is 19weeks 2 days.

Next time i go over im going to say i dont think hes ready and i no i'll have a lecture :roll:
I would have been upset and annoyed :shock: :talkhand:
She shouldn't have done that, she should have waited until you said he was weaning, I can appreciate your politeness at not saying no to her, but it doesn't mean she was right and you shouldn't be upset, Grandma's can sometimes try to take away these firsts with their grandchildren, I notice it with OH's mother, and I just wish they'd leave things alone and let you tell them when your child is ready for something :roll: You could also mention the salt issue, did she make the vegetables with salt? That's no good for Kyran, and if they were tinned, definitely not great as they have added sugar.

On a positive side, Kyran enjoyed himself and no harm was done to him, and despite how it happened, you can be the one to decide now how you go forward with weaning :hug: Just watch out for the chocolate and sugar from Grandma's next :shock: :doh: they can be ruthless with it, whipped cream was the latest at Isaac's Grandma's, it's like for God's sake noooooooooooooo woman, its nowt but a tin of sugar :lol: If Kyran is ready then follow his lead, and tell Grandma that's who decides ultimately, not her :wink: :hug: ... irst_foods ... e_top_tips
i think you just gotta stand ur groud. dont take shit off her.. cant beleive some people take the piss.. and lecture mothers.. especially mothers who keep themselves to themselves and dont say anything..g there with what you want to say in mind if she starts.. jsut say you spoke to the health visitor about when its time to wean and the reserch has shown that the closer you get to 6 months the better for bowel development.. so im going to wait untill hes showing more signs.. if she says anythign say.. well hes my baby..although i appreciate your opinion, you are inforcing it on me and i know what i want to do so i would appreciate it if you took my opinion into account.
Redshoes said:
Just watch out for the chocolate and sugar from Grandma's next :shock: :doh: they can be ruthless with it,

Exactly. I've already prepared the way by pretending LO is allergic to dairy products :oops: :oops: :oops: that's to eliminate the milk+sugar combination and next I'm going to try 'sensitive to sugar' :D

It's not totally untrue as me and my sister both have problems with dairy products but I couldn't think of any other way to do it!!! :shhh:
Sage said:
No reason to be mad at her - you could have said no

:? well if id felt it was that easy at the time i wouldnt be having this conversation....

Like i said i felt pressured at the time and she just sprang it on me with it all pureed and ready in a bowl. shes been going on at me for a month about weaning him. she weaned all her three at three months (apparently the norm back then) She meant well and i know she has kyran's best interests at heart, but not mine maybe!

I guess im annoyed at myself for not saying i needed to think about it first.

Im sure im just over reacting :( Ky is fine and seemed to enjoy it. Im not worried about him being ill he is 19weeks 2 days.

Next time i go over im going to say i dont think hes ready and i no i'll have a lecture :roll:

Well I know you said you feel pressured, but still, she did ask.
I was always getting people pressuring me to wean my kids early - you just have to stand your ground. Unless you MIL physically fed your son it was ultimately your decision.

Try not to worry about it now - just tell her next time what you really think. Don't worry, like you said Ky seems fine. I wouldn't necessarily take it as an indication that he's ready to wean though - if you feel it's better to wait, then by all means wait. The recommended age is 6 months anyway.

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