She's soo spiteful


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
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I take keeley to a mum and baby group every friday and my mates baby is 9 months old and keeley seems to have a problem with her and all the other babies.....

She seems really spiteful towards them pullin there hair and tryin to use them to stand up :roll:

So i spend the whole time standin her up and tellin her no for pullin the babies hair :x

Its gettin to the point now where i don't see the point in going....
Keeley doesn't do this any other time than the baby group do you think it could be her way of commucating?(sp)
nathan was a bit like this. i found it was because hes quite assertive, its embarassing though.
She seems to want to play with them but in a spiteful way and whenever i say no now her lil bottom lip goes all wobbley and i feel bad
I dont really think they understand spitefull at this age, they are self aware and believe they are centre of the universe so things like using the other children to help her stand up, it's not being spitefull just looking out for herself!! The hair pulling is probably communication, she will start to understand before too long.
omg this is what alfie does but not at mother and baby group he just cries when we go there he isnt veryu happy about going but when there are other babies about he treis to pull their hair and stuff and uses them to tyr stand up and even pulls them down, i think its them playing tbh but some children are more assertove than others and i believe this is what it is, some kids are more loud ad vocal and forthcoming and this is exactly what alfie is like, he also squeels alot too at the minute :roll:
Me and keeley wil be playin with her toys one minute then the next she wil start screamin a really loud scream and she thinks its soo funny :lol:
me thinks that our little lady and super soldier are a wee bit simialr, is keeley still bum shuffeling or has she mastered crawling yet?
She can get up on her knee's but then she just falls flat again.... but they last few days she has been strectchin forward and pushin her toes up...(if that makes sense lol....i have a video on my phone wil try and put it on tomorrow :)

I hope she wil crawl soon she is gettin about quite fast now by bum shufflin and movin back wards and rollin lol

How's alfie? any crawlin?
nope exactly the same as keeley gets onto hands and knees and then slides down but my god can he shuffle for england, he has his own unique way of doing it i love it he follows me everywhere now
Aw bless him you wil have post some new pic's of alfie haven't seen any for a while :)
nic & keeley said:
Its gettin to the point now where i don't see the point in going....
Keeley doesn't do this any other time than the baby group do you think it could be her way of commucating?(sp)

Please don't stop going!!!

I ALWAYS say the same thing when it comes to stuff like this.
If a child is being a bit like this and the mom is doing something about it eg saying "no" and generally keeping an eye on them, I just don't care. If a child is being like this and the mom is doing nothing that's when I get annoyed.

it's perfectly normal, as long as you do what you can to show her the right way to be then you are doing all you can :hug:
Thanks Urchin :hug:

I wanna keep going... it just gets a bit embrassin that only keeley does this everyone else's baby's sit there nicely then keeley's like a man woman :lol: :oops:
Snap.... Ellis crawls around his little club just taking the toys of other kids... He has a little friend called Milly and he is forever smacking her in the face and making her cry. I say no but he just looks at me.

To be honest he has been doing it so long now I dont really care!! hehe ... I just think he is trying to play but he is very heavy handed.

At least our babies will not be bullied!! hehe xxxx

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