She's finally caught up!


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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Well I have felt small baby movements from about 19 weeks but last night my god was she going for it! I could feel every bump from the outside as well. Kept me awake til 1am but it was so lovely, I smiled the whole time :D That was until I watched the end of Stepmom and ended up a blubbering mess :lol:
Awwww i have only just started to feel the movements that keep me awake all night long...... and i wish i hadn't had moaned that he was a lazy lil man.

Step mom, i made sure that i didn't have that on last night, i would have been a wreck.

Lets hope lil lady doesn't want to keep mummy up all night everynight.
Aww bless. My lil lady hasn't managed to keep me awake yet, I feel lots of movements but theyre not that strong yet. They can be felt from the outside now though :D
LOL, my little lady cant keep me awake!!! Not sure if she doesnt kick at night or if i just dont feel it! The slightest noise will wake me, to the point where i have to sleep with ear plugs even though im on a floor by myself!!!

Im hoping it means she sleeps during the night cos she knows how much mummy likes sleep :rotfl: god im delusional
Ahh, it's such a fab feeling - so far I've not been kept awake at night though, touch wood! xx
My baby is so good at night, he/ she sleeps when I sleep I think. I hope baby does this when its born too :pray: .

Alex xxx

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