She hurt me!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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Whilst i was at work this weekend, pottering around, and serving customers, i got kicked so hard without thinking i said oww!!! :oops:

I'm pretty sure it was a kick cos it was just like it but painful, almost felt like she stretched me too far, i didnt realise they could actually hurt.

Was so embarassing trying to expain that i wasnt going in to labour or anything like that, my baby jsut kicked me :roll:
Hehe a well placed liitle foot can be quite an oww experience on occasion :roll:
If you have a look at a baby book it says reassuring things like "your baby's bones are hardening and it has less space to move". Or in other words "youy baby can kick much harder now and has less space to do it in so will push you out more :roll:
Mine loves to kick me in the side which is really sore - for a while I prodded OH in the side everytime it happened just so he could be more involved :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
aww! as much as it hurts its still cute LOL

my baby goes mental if I touch his feet :rotfl: he really kicks and punches and it hurts...but serves me right :rotfl:
I'm always saying oww out loud at the moment as baby keeps hitting nerve groups that kill my left leg!
i understand now, shes getting me back for poking her all morning on weekends!!!!

I have to entertain myself somehow whilst cashing up, so trying to identify legs and arms is rather appealing!!!!

Sounds like its only gonna get worse though!! She must hve quite a bit of room left still cos she seems to be twisting from transverse to head down (and probably breach too :roll:)
Yup, it can hurt quite a bit really! I have a bruise from an argument with a door handle and my LO likes to kick me right there... owwww. Lol.

And sometimes she pokes herself out really far and i can practically hear my skin stretching. Hehe.

my little one did a huge stretch the other night and my whole tummy looked massive like a traverse stretch even tho im positive she is engaged
eh ?
weird alien stuff when you see your tummy do that !
aww ive had some really hard kicks before not to bad now he generaly just wiggles about :)
manda xx

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