She got me!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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The witch has got me again! :roll:

My cycles have been


Each cycle has been shorter by 7 days?!! weird :lol:

So here's to me getting my BFP nect cycle and then i'll be due around my 30th birthday!! :):dance::lol:

Sorry she got you! :hug:
I like your positive attitude! Good luck for next month! :)

Sorry af came. Sounds like your body is getting back on track now?
sorry hun. Stupid witch hope you get your bfp next month what a wonderful present that would be
Sorry she got you CB hopefully with your cycles reducing so dramatically its a good thing and you will get your BFP next
Sorry she got you hun - but definately good news about your cycles getting shorter

Fingers crossed for you BFP next month x x x
Erm.... Ladies....... I don't think it's the witch after all! I have a tiny brown smudge on the pad (tmi sorry) and nothing when I wipe!!

Could it possibly be implantation? Based on my last cycle which was 36 days I should've ov's around last Wednesday but i'm not positive because i stopped my ov tests before then. I could possibly be 7DPO, does that sound about right for it to be implantation and not AF?

I'm not getting my hopes up but i'll keep you all informed!


P.S MrsMc it would be the best birthday present ever! :) xx
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Ooooh clairebare that sounds promising IB bleeding can happen as little as 5dpo so hopefully????? Let us know
Erm.... Ladies....... I don't think it's the witch after all! I have a tiny brown smudge on the pad (tmi sorry) and nothing when I wipe!!

Could it possibly be implantation? Based on my last cycle which was 36 days I should've ov's around last Wednesday but i'm not positive because i stopped my ov tests before then. I could possibly be 7DPO, does that sound about right for it to be implantation and not AF?

I'm not getting my hopes up but i'll keep you all informed!


P.S MrsMc it would be the best birthday present ever! :) xx

oh my goodness, I really hope its IB!! :shock:
Thanks girls!

I'm still not going to get excited just incase! I'm too superstitious for my own good sometimes and if I get excited guaranteed she'll come! lol

Aww thank Miss Pink! xx

No more brown stuff at all since 1pm! I'm defo confused now! lol

Oh well only the next 7 days will tell! I'm sooo hoping she stays away and I get my BFP!!

Thank you for all your positive replys!

Sorry Flopsy Bunny I hadn't even noticed you're message on here until now!

Nothings happened since the brown smugde 2 days ago except for a hell of a lot of CM!

I have 5 days to go! Eeek!

Don't say sorry!!

The brown smudge sounds good though (I mean as a symptom!!).
I'm sure I read somewhere that increased discharge is a symptom...

Yeah I read it too!

But i'm sooooo superstitious that I won't allow myself to get excited because I always think if I do then I won't get what I want!! (does that make sense? lol)

I do have literally everything crossable crossed though! lol :)


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