Sharp cramps when I bend?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2010
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I've been having sharp cramps on and off since my bfp.

Only really ever if I bend too far, or curl up in bed, or sit in a position where my legs are tucked up.

They are pretty painful though. Worse than a period.

Anyone else having the same? My HPTs are getting darker still but it doesn't really stop me worrying during a moment of pain.
If you experience any bad pain you should get it checked out by the doctor. However it is normal to have period like pains or strecthing pains low down (they say it is the foetus bedding in and your womb expanding). I have a sharpe pain if I stand up to fast, but it defiantly feels like a strecth.
Hope this helps hun

Yeah I think because I only get them if I'm in a certain position (bent more than 90 degrees) it probably is just stretching.

Just is a bit scary as they're quite sharp and sudden.
That is probably what it is, i started having then the week before I did my test. I ve just noticed you are the same time scale as me, hurray for appleseed size beanies lol
Yay for Appleseed!!

DH and I call 'him' John Appleseed as that's the default name on the iPhone.

Need to think of a new name for next week. Lol.
If you have them all the time go to A&E.
However if comes and goes then yeah it's just everything streching. Eases off around 7 weeks then comes back again around 10 weeks. For me anyway ;)
Thanks :) That's very reassuring.

Mine are only in certain positions and not everytime I'm in that position.

Occasionally like this morning I'll have tiny twinges when I'm just doing nothing but it's only sort of 'ouch' painful when I'm bending a certain way. And then once I'm out of that position it's stopped in a few seconds.

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