Sex during pregnancy

B's Mummy

Apr 7, 2008
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Looking for some advice. I had some spotting last sunday 18th after having sex that morning, I was a little concerned but not enough to ring the mw. Then had some more spotting last wed 21st so rang the mw and went for a scan the next day which they said they couldnt see a reason for me to be spotting, and the baby was fine :) it was wriggling away and waving at us! :cheer:
She did say that having sex could make me bleed a bit if the cervix gets banged. She then went on to say about different positions we could try (which my dh thought was halarias, he got the look from me as if to say don't you dare embaress me!) and to try not to go too deep - which is harder said than done in the moment :oops:
Anyway to get to my point, I am still having a little blood most days (quite faint) Do you think having sex could make this worse or be of any danger to me or my baby? Would love to hear what you think.
Personally, i would not have sex for a while just to ensure i was ok.... Thats just me though, its probably fine for you to do it, but im precautious like that..

Umm.. i have had sex once since finding out, and i didnt bleed or anything but i was on eggshells the whole time lol!
so long as he is gentle with you i can see no reason not to carry on, i bled untill i was about 8 weeks daily and all is well.
Get it in now before your bump gets in the way :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

On a more serious note, if MW hasn't told you theres any need to stop then keep going :D

Alex xxx
We have carried on having sex - can hardly call it baby dancing anymore!

Im actually really wary and not really enjoyed it, but cant deny my DH for the next 9 months........ :D

Touch wood all fine so far, but he was gentle!
The blood is probably a small abrasion on the cervix, I wouldnt let it bother you too much! Babs is fine and a small cut isnt going to hurt him/her! :hug:
Myself and DH havent had sex in 3 weeks since finding out i was pregnant just so worried something might go wrong......on the other hand i know he wont manage another 7 and half months till bean is born :oops:
I havent done it since I found out :oops:
I know its safe but Im terrified!! OH is going outta his head! :roll:
I keep making excuses... oh Im tired, oh I feel sick blah blah.I feel awful for him:roll:
yeah i was the same - but i did give in last week.. but to be honest, OH has been in the library from 7am til 2.30am so i havent really seen him much over the past 2 weeks... but its his last exam tomorrow morning so i think im gonna be busy tomorrow night :wink: :oops:
Yea I may treat OH for being so patient tomorrow :roll:
If hes lucky! My sex drive has gone down the pan :shock:
Hmm my sex drive is still here, but im SO worried.. and i'd hate to start bleeding after or something, then id definitely never do it again haha
Ditto to that! Think thats why I havent!

Im a wuss :oops:

OH keeps saying " I though preggers women were supposed to have a huge sex drive, whens yours gonna come back?" :roll:
ahahaha im glad my sex drive hasnt gone, it would be horrible!! but i defintely wont be at it 6 times a week like i was before i got pregnant :shock: the thought of it makes me feel ill hahah!!! luckily for me, i'm going back to wales soonish as its summer holidays, and OH is doing lots of law placements around england sooooo i'll only be seeing him for about 4 or 5 days in a row :wink:
I can't really be bothered at the mo, I feel a bit sorry for OH because he got it loads when we were TTC but hasn't had a lot of action recently :wink: .

If the midwife hasn't recommended you stop then don't worry.
:rotfl: :rotfl: sorry but i have to laugh, i have had sex quite a few times, my sex drive has gone down however my man know's how to push the right buttons when he stays here lol so i have no choice :D my man has read alot about this kinda thing and he recons it says sex is good for you during pregnancy lol mabe he is just saying that i dunno. If i was to bleed after having sex then i think i'd not do it for a while just incase :D
Thanks guys. :hug:

To update you -
We had sex again on Tuesday night, he was gentle with me, and had no spotting yesterday but have woken up this morning and went for a wee wiped and there was bright red blood. Not quite sure what to do, maybe i'm just hoping all is fine and i am just going to be one of the few people who do bleed during pregnancy for no good reason. Well thats what i am hoping.
Just a bit scared as i have had a mc at 11.5 weeks before. But then i try reasure myself that we saw the scan last Thurs and there was a baby wriggling around we could see the heartbeat too. I think i am just scaring myself but then do i need to be scared? Just confused :?
Try not to worry too much, I'm sure everything is fine! :hug:
it's worth checking with the MW if you feel worried, just to put your mind at rest !
Hmm hun im not sure.. As i said, if that was ME, which it totally isnt, i would be too scared to do it again with the blood etc...
Maybe ask your midwife?
Just rang mw she said its a bit odd that i didnt bleed after having sex but then have bled a day later. She said because i have my 12 week scan on Tuesday to wait until then unless I have any pain or a lot of bleeding then to go straight to A&E. We wont be having sex again for a while! Dh wont be too pleased, I think it scares him a bit too.
So she didnt seem too worried. Its very emotional. Feeling a bit drained. :(
I am going to see my new nephew today to chear myself up, he is a week old today and its my sisters birthday too.
Thank you for all your support :hug:

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