Sex drive - bit personal!


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
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Whats everyones sex drive been like in this trimester?

First trimester it was the absolute last thing on my mind as I was constantly feeling sick or puking my guts up! So OH went a long time without anything, poor git!
This trimester, couple of weeks into it, I began feeling much better within myself, and had about a random week of hornyness and kept jumping on him! (he didn't complain of course!) ;)

But since then, I seem off it again and don't quite know why. I generally feel fine in myself, apart from hormones allover the place and one minute been ok then the next angry and moody. I feel fat aswell, and can't get comfy, but don't really see this as a reason for been off sex.
OH seems desperate for a bit of action and keeps trying to 'seduce me', which results in me refusing multiple times and him feeling rejected.
It's something I can't find a compromise in because I cant force myself to want it when I don't, but I do feel bad for him. :(
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My poor hubbie has had absolutely nothing for 25 weeks now, my drive has completely gone just feel tired all the time and not that way out, have tried to be a good wifey in other ways ;) but i just cnat bring myself to do it! Poor guy!!!!
I've not dtd with hubby since 3 days before bfp. Been a mixture of too scared too, not horny and being freaked out by baby's kicks lol.xx
Sorry can't help. We have been at it like rabbits this trimester when ever I have felt up to it. I have had days where we haven't cos of my arthritis and SPD making me so sore but there have been other ways to stop OH feeling left out. lol. xxxx
Been bit less than normal but its not coz I don't want to its more the being sick and horrible heartburn puts me off a bit! :puke:
I find it comes and goes (excuse the pun!) I didnt want it at all in tri 1 then tri 2 wanted it all the time and now I would say its about normal but getting harder to do coz of the massive bump!!
Mne is virtually non-existent. I have to make myself! I'm struggling at the mo cos Pip keeps stickin his head under my ribs so I can't breathe and kicking my foof so it just feels wrong! I do feel sorryfor my DH tho :(
The sickness put me right off it in tri 1 but feeling better now - I'd say once a fortnight. But we were never 'bunny rabbits' to begin with!!! lol
Barely happened at all! So can't be bothered I have occasional day of wanting it but most of the time, id rather eat a nice cake!

I have had sex about 3 times since BFP. OH is thoroughly miffed about it
Im completly off it, done d deed about 3 times since gettin pg bless my poor OH but im just too tired all the time and so not horney in the slightest, hope it comes back after shes born lol
Think we have had it about 5 times since BFP, I just don't fancy it at all, I feel like baby knows whats going on ha I know he doesn't but it just doesn't feel right so can't get in the mood knowing he is there xxx I don't know why OH doesn't wonder if he is poking his poor son and peeing him off xx
im always up for it lol, nothings changed there for me
i'm the same as most of the women on here tri 1 was horrendous was literally being sick all the time now i'm not that fussed i do have occassional moments i need it now get ur ass up them stairs but then like all this week i havent felt like it cuz i've been really tired and uncomfortable, hubby cant keep his hands off me and LO keeps kicking me all the while so he'll just have to wait

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