
Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i'm 39 weeks pg 2mro, and now the weathers gone very hot i wanna get this baby out! lol.
i had sex last nite :D and i kno it can encourage labour, but i got questions:

* has it worked for anyone here?
* how long after u did it did things get going?
* do u hav to do it lots of times for it to work or is once enough?!

nothing worked for me, tried sex, raspberry tea, hot curry and all the other 'methods'
Ask your OH how much he's willing to pay us for us to say you must do it 4 times a day for the next week? :D :wink:
Sex worked a treat for me. I had that baby out within 24 hours. I was 5 days over due tho. Although I might have already been in labour because I was having little period type cramps but after the sex the contractions become stronger and closer together. Good luck
dunno as I was induced but have a good time anyway :wink:
I had LOADS of sex in the weeks leading up to my due date, and he was still a week overdue! Sorry! (OH complained that 'get this baby out of me' wasn't a great turn on...)

Still, you can have fun trying!
Heh heh, great thread title, I was wondering what I'd find in here...

I've heard that a reflexology point on the hand can help. Hold your thumb away from your hand and 'milk' the flap of skin between your thumb and finger. Use the thumb and finger of your other hand to squeeze and pull down that flap of skin away from your hand. Firmly but not too hard that it hurts. My friend did it on and off while watching telly and her labour started that night, she was 4 days over though.
it worked for me the night before my dd, on my dd i was in hospital to see my consultant, doing the deed had put pressure on my back waters to break and he was out!
maybebaby said:
OH complained that 'get this baby out of me' wasn't a great turn on...
:rotfl: mine says that too... he's doing his duty tho i think coz he's even more impatient than me!
maybebaby said:
I had LOADS of sex in the weeks leading up to my due date, and he was still a week overdue! Sorry! (OH complained that 'get this baby out of me' wasn't a great turn on...)

Still, you can have fun trying!

Me too :rotfl: We tried daily sex,daily long walks, hot curries, raspberry leaf tea from 30 weeks, bumping down stairs on my bottom, bouncing on birth ball...I was still induced at 12 weeks late, and the induction lasted 2 days before they said it had failed,I hadnt progessed past 2.5cm and gave me a c section!!!! She just didnt want to come out :roll:

They come when ready xxx
I think it'd only work if you were nearly there already.

We did it on my due date and it was the most unsexy thing ever :( Didn't work either! :lol:
Nothing worked for me im affraid, i tried everything and she was 13 days late!!
Semen can help soften the cervix and orgasms produce oxytocin which can bring on contractions.

Personally it never worked for me, I was so preoccupied with getting the baby out I couldn't come close to orgasm! :wall:

i walked up the stairs 2 steps at a time. and when i was birthing partner to my friend she did t he same on her due date and 4 hrs later out popped the baby..
It worked on my daughter, did the deed at 6pm was in labour by 7 but again was overdue by 11 days so not sure it was the sex.
We had sex and I was in labour within 24 hours. :D
Duno abt sex.. but carryin a gearbox up a massive hill worked for OH's mum lmao x
I tried EVERYTHING and still went 11 days over - was having sex 4 - 5 times a day and still no baby. Try everything but don't get your hopes up hun :wink: xxx
Basically the baby will come when it is ready - we tried everything but nonthing made any difference!

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