Selfish and stupid or not?

Sleepy sue

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
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Hi ladies
I'm feeling really torn at the moment!! I'm down about my weight, I'm about a stone and half heavier then I was before being pg :(
I love my lo more than anything in the world but I'm still down!! The week I had Sam my sister started the cambridge diet and has lost 4 stone in 14 weeks!!! So this really hasn't helped!!
The thing is I have been bf Sam (other than one formula feed at night) until last Monday (jubilee) when I started Sam on formula ( except for his night feed) as I want todo the Cambridge diet. I am no wracked with guilt as Sam is great on the boob!! And he still tries to feed off me. My supply s still there amazingly!!
I can't do the Cambridge and bf as its a very low cal diet, I just want that quick fix and dr a couple of dress sizes!! I just don't know what to do!!

Sorry for the rant, it prob doesn't make sense x
have u tried slimming world it what i use atm it's a bit hard to get ur head round at first but once u get going it's fine, u can have as much as you want and still loose weight, before i got pg with harry the xmas before last i said to myself i was going to loose 3 stone before i got married in april so i did slimming world and lost 3.5 stone and fitted into a size 12 dress! i would worry about loosing too much weight with bf harry is only a couple of weeks younger than ur LO and i've only lost half a stone and i ebf my mom told me it takes 9 months to make a baby so it'll take another 9 months to loose the weight, a friend reccomended a site for me to look at it's about women who's had children. just enjoy your self hun ur beautiful the way u are no matter what size or shape x
You dont need such an extreme diet to lose weight hunny.
If you watch what you eat and add exercise that should be enough, weight loss wont be as drastic as 4stone in 4 weeks (in my opinion that isnt very good for your body)
I am proof eating well and exercise works as i have lost 4 stone in 5 months.
Good luck what ever you decide to do hun and keep us posted how you are getting on x
Thanks Winnie. I have thought about slimming world but think I'm being greedy and wanting to drop weight fast! I love bf Sam and if I do the diet will have to give it up.
Ive done Ww before and lost 3 stone but it took about 8 months
Ill have a look at that site :)
I always say do what makes you happy. An unhappy mummy makes an unhappy baby. I woukdn't say you are being selfish, but I also don't think you need to be in a rush to diet, especially if you are feeling guilty. Also bf is supposed to help you lose weight... Although it has been a slow process for me. In my opinion, it took 9 months to put it on, might as well expect it to take tha long to take it off. Xx
Tbh I think the Cambridge diet is irresponsible, unhealthy and just wrong! I don't know how it's allowed to be marketed it scares me how people think it's ok to loose weight like that.

I've found bfing to be the BEST weight loss tool as if you eat a healthy balanced diet it uses an extra 500 calories. Pare that with lots of long buggy walks.

Whether you decide to carry on bfing or not I urge you to not do the Cambridge diet! You need to be a happy energetic mummy to have the energy to look after LO as well as you do now!!! Please rethink!

im starting slimming world this weds hun, bf will help you lose faster while you do it lol. i wouldnt give up bf for a quick fix diet cos i love it, id have quit already if i didnt but its your decision and you need to do what makes you happy :)
The way I see it the wieght doesn't go on over night so it won't come off over night and you may also like to know that's a proven fact that losing wight slower increases your chances of keeping it off for longer
I actually have no idea what the cambridge diet is... It does seem extreme to lose that much weight that fast...
its a meal replacement diet where you live on shakes and soups for so many months etc, theyre calorie controlled and made to supply all necessary vits etc just less cals. i think the fastest one is 500 cals a day or something. they put your body into ketosis like atkins dose so it burns the fat on you. they work well but are only for ppl of a certain bmi and you have a counsellor who keeps track of your loss and how your doing and is supposed to help you change your view of food and eating habits.
You dont need such an extreme diet to lose weight hunny.
If you watch what you eat and add exercise that should be enough, weight loss wont be as drastic as 4stone in 4 weeks (in my opinion that isnt very good for your body)
I am proof eating well and exercise works as i have lost 4 stone in 5 months.
Good luck what ever you decide to do hun and keep us posted how you are getting on x


I was eating loads while BFing and losing weight, and then I was running 6/7 days a week from when he was 4 months old and the weight literally fell off so quickly.
Tbh I've always had a negative opinion of these diets, I've tried a couple of the shakes and ended up with a headache (I know as I type this I'm mad to be thinking about it). My sis said she has never felt better and to be honest she looks amazing!!
I've booked to see a councillor on Monday so I need to make my mind up! May be I should try slimming world or equivalent and then consider Cambridge if I'm still unhappy!!
I think it depends on how much your weight gain is getting you down. A very depressed mummy breast feeding is not good for either of you anyway. I would say you are best off trying bf friendly diets, not only will it help you lose more weight but it helps protect against female cancers in later life, apart from being the best for Sam too.

My best friend has gone from 24 stone to 15 stone in just under 2 years with weight watchers and she's managing to keep it off. She looks absolutely stunning! She tried these harsh diets and they made her quite ill both physically and mentally when she piled all the weight back on just as quickly as she took it off.

Research it all very carefully hunny and see what's out there, not all diets work for everyone anyway xxxxxxxxx
Slimming world all the way!

I lost 2 & a half stone & got to my target weight a week before I found out I was pregnant! After having Henry, I'm basically back to my starting weight so got 2 & a half stone to shift again but I've done it once I can do it again!

I love bf & personally wouldn't sacrifice that for a diet, especially such an extreme one. SW is healthy eating, no gimmicks it just works. & they give u extra calcium allowance if ur bf to make sure u produce enough milk for lo.

It's the only "diet" u can do whilst pregnant so that's saying something x
I hate myself too and have the same amount of weight to lose. I had all these plans to get back out on my bike after baby arrived and it just hasn't happened.

I personally don't like the Cambridge diet. Its very low carb which is why you lose weight so quickly but it doesn't teach good eating habits and isn't a normal way to eat. I have a friend who does this every few months to lose weight but she just piles it back on again when she stops. But it is certainly a way to shift the pounds quickly.

Do you think your happiness at a slimmer you will outweigh the guilt you will feel for not breastfeeding? You have given him the best start you can so if you feel you have to stop now you've still done a good job.

Can't you lose the weight whilst still bf? I know if I was eating properly it would be dropping off me.

I have a lot left to loose too. I gained four stone when i was pregnant and have lost three so far.

I asked my physio what would be best to do as I still have badly separated tummy muscles I still look pregnant and do not want to do anything to make them worse, She suggested swimming and walking. I havent tried the swimming yet as i work full time and tbh just dont have the time, But on the weekends savannah goes in the pushchair and we walk and walk and walk. She loves it and the fresh air does wonders for her sleeping at night!

Try not to be too hard on yourself. It took nine months for you body to change to grow your beautiful LO's its difficult i know as when the baby is no longer in your tummy it just feels like fat and confidence goes to rock bottom. But we need to give ourselves a chance sometimes. Nine months to change requires at least nine months to recover... for myself alot more!
that type of diet do make you feel like crap for the first week or 2 nd then your body adjusts. they dont really teach you good habits tho and are pretty much just a short term solution

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