found you this though hun x
Maternity Allowance
You may be entitled to Maternity Allowance if:
you're employed, but not eligible for SMP
you're self-employed
you've been at work for at least 26 weeks of the 'test' period (66 weeks up to and including the week before your baby's due)
you've earned at least £30 a week on average in any 13 of the weeks in the test period
Maternity Allowance is paid at a standard weekly rate of £112.75, or 90 per cent of your earnings, if this is lower, for up to 39 weeks.
To apply for Maternity Allowance, pick up a form at your local Jobcentre Plus or social security office. You'll need proof of your earnings and a MATB1 form (see above).
MA is not liable for tax or National Insurance contributions.