Second lot of jabs....


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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How was your LO's after the first jabs and then the second?

I am dreading it this afternoon. Harlow's first jabs were horrendous! She had me in tears as I just could not settle her for atleast 36 hours after them! Nothing worked, calpol didn't even help.

I am so tired this week I just really cannot be doing with another night of no sleep!

ooh im dreading those too, the first lot broke my happy baby. she turned whiney and unsettled for a week and a half! she did start teething too but i blame the jabs
God Bev that's a long time! I feel bad now for whining at 36 hours lol!

When are you LO's second jabs? X
in a few weeks, 7/6/2012. im dreading them tbh, she went proper whiney for well over a week, started teething symptoms about 4 days after the jabs but was eating only 3 oz at a time, bf'ing more often, crying all the damn time like she was in pain, chucking up more, sleeping less in the day and waking after 30 mins or so if i could even manage to put her down. i actually cried a few times with her cos i just couldnt make her stop! shes having a bit of a growth spurt again i think so is back to sleeping better and lots of naps and eating much more lol. she was just getting over the teething when the growth spurt hit too. its always something going on with her tho it seems, thrush, reflux, teething then growth spurt, thrush, jabs, then teething again. i prefer the growth spurts lol
Thanks Pinky. I'm hoping she breezes through these ones.

Aww Bev that's awful! I know what you mean though, it's always something with a baby isn't it! I haven't really noticed the growth spurts to be honest! I don't think she has had one!! X
Second ones were by far the worst for us, but that's because Chloe reacted badly to the meningitis jab. I was told that bad reactions to the second lot of jabs is unusual though.

Hope everything goes well for you.
with Alyssa its a definite eating and sleeping more thing and then shes put on loads of weight after it and goes back to not eating as much and being more lively. last time she went from 12lb2oz to 12lb 7oz in 2 weeks and then growth spurt hit and she went from 12lb7oz to 14lb 1oz in a week!
I wonder if you notice the growth spurts when bfing as they have to suck more to increase supply iykwim? I remember that 3 week one barely being able to get up for a wee! They seem to have got easier as he's got older!

Louise my nurse told me with the second set to give him calpol as soon as we get home, not when the symptoms start so that might've helped?

The second set was definitely a walk in the park for us compared to the first, could barely notice a difference - fingers crossed for you!
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Definitely a lot better! He whinges but didn't really cry and was fine by time we left the room. The first set were a different story! Hope they go well. X

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Thanks ladies! Fingers crossed she's ok this time.

Pinky, I was thinking that myself actually. I think your right x
2nd jabs were worst for my LO she wasn't herself for day's xxxx


She had them about 45 minutes ago and....So far we have smiles.....

Wonder if they last lol x
aww, shes so cute loopy! hope the smiles continue for you :) xx
Awww... What a sweetie! Hope she's still smiling! We have ours next Wednesday and I'm dreading them too as Emily was awful after the first lot. :-(

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