Second early scan - tips please


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2008
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We had an emergency scan last week as I was having bad cramping most of the week. All we saw was one sac at 3.7mm long. I'm due for a follow-up scan on Monday afternoon which I'm guessing will be internal as well but I've no idea. If it's internal I think I need to have an empty bladder as I was asked last time and when I said I'd just given a sample I was told that was good.

So what happens on Monday then? Do I make sure I have plenty to eat/drink? What will I see apart from a black blob? If there's only one sac still does that mean it's only one mini me (history of twins in DH's family)? I'll only be 6 weeks 2 days if that helps.

Hi honey,

If you are anything like me they will have to point the baby out to you! Have you looked at mine and snuggle's piccies? Snuggle's is clearer. The black bit is the sack and nestled in the corner of the sack is the baby, you can barely see them so the sonographer should be able to help you. Mine was really nice.

They'll measure your baby and give you a bit of an estimate on dates but because you are earlier than 10 weeks they are not the most accurate, after 10 weeks they can measure the baby and give you an accurate date.

It's really exciting, you can see it wriggle around and I think at 6 weeks there's a heartbeat. You'll be fine and they'll help you through it xxx
What ejjie said hun :D Enjoy your scan :cheer: I think if you go with a full bladder they will tell you to empty it if need be hun :hug:
HI there, i too have been in and out of hospital all week because of bad cramping in my left side. They checked my bloods and then did more tests 48 hrs later. My hcg levels went from 170 to 540, but cos the cramping was still bad and i had a bit of brown discharge earlier in the week, they took me in for internal scan on thurs night. They asked me to empty my bladder for this, so i spose the same will apply to you.

All they kept going on about was ectopics, and that that is there primary concern. It was really frustating, as they could not see a sack, tho thry did say it prob will be too early to see yet anways. But they looked at my ovaries and tubes and said there were no obvious blockages etc and also said my uterus is getting really thick, which should be a good sign the sack is in the right place.

But i still have to go back next tues for another scan to look for the sack!!! So, like you, ive had a week of stress and worrying and my cramos are just as bad but all over now. I'll be interested to see what your outcome is as well. They say that anythying above moderate cramping is a concern, but then i read about women that unfortunantly do suffer with bad cramping. i find today has been the worst cos i have moved about too much cleaning the house!

God luck for your scan and i'll keep in touch. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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