

Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
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harrison has screamed at me all day, he's clean, fed, given infacol, cool enough and he just won't stop my heads banging with the sounds of him screaming :(
Same here Sam has been the same he's driven me mad today the only time he stopped was when i took him for a walk into town I haven't been able to put him down.
Well, Charlie usually screams all day but for some reason has slept most of the day......I'm not complaining :D
lil miss only did that when she had formula, what type of formula is he on? we cut out the formula and we had a changed lil girl on our hands... obviously you can't do that, so maybe look at changing his formula?... Maybe look at changing it to another one? Probably aptimil or a soya based one?
I would also get some earplugs - this is a serious suggestion! they don't blovk out the screaming - you can still hear him perfectly but they do take the edge off so you don't go mad and can think straight still!
Lily was like that the other day I had to give her 2 my mum when she finished work and get 5min freash air my head was pounding. No reason for screaming just having an off day. Hope he has setteled now :hug:
Luke has been like that for the past 3 days. I finally ended up in tears this morning. He is fine at night though..... :wall:
DebbieM said:
Luke has been like that for the past 3 days. I finally ended up in tears this morning. He is fine at night though..... :wall:

thats the same as harry!
He's been a bit better today. Had a screaming fit this mirning so I went out with him. He fell asleep in the car and I managed to make it round one shop... `Was heading to Tesco when we got stuck in traffic and he woke up screaming. I thought perhaps he'd go back to sleep so continued to Tesco and OMG, the noise from the back of the car..... :wall: :wall: Needless to say, I didn't bother, I turned round in Tesco car park and st in more traffic to get home.

Got in, fed him and he has been ok(ish) since.... I think it is a growth spurt as he is most definitely wanting feeding more than usual... every 1 1/2 to 2 hours right now which is unlike him during the day. Either that or he is more thirsty due to the hot weather and thats waking him up!

He's been happy this afternoon really and even played footsie with his big bear thing and fell asleep on his play mat while his Grandad came to see him LOL
aww- harry has fed more today too, it's not water he's wanting either. He cried again earlier for a while typically when i was covered in paint :rotfl:as soon as i got clean he stopped :wall:
I have been getting this for the past week. He just refuses to sleep in the day and he doesn't do much better at night either. I have tried everything. One thing that works for a short period is putting savage garden on for him but I have to turn it off after a while! Theres only so much you can take!

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