screaming when feeding


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2007
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really in need of some advice. I have been BFding my daughter for 7 weeks. Everything was going well until about two weeks ago when she started getting really fussy during some of her feeds. She starts feeding and then pulls off and starts to scream loudly. This sequence can go on for two hours. I am left with sore nipples and no idea how much milk she has had. I did introduce a bottle of EBM about two weeks ago but she has only had a bottle on three occasions (OH gave her the bottle). Tonights feed was a nightmare and I am becoming increasingly upset and frustrated with the situations. i hate to see her unhappy and have started to dread feeding. I hate feeling like this as I was really enjoying BFing her before. Do you think I need to take her to see the GP, any advice on why this is happening and how to overcome it?
I put a post on here when Angel was 7 weeks old. It turns out it must be more common than even i realised.
It just seems to be a case of perseverance! It's a word you'll hear alot while breastfeeding! Most seem to go through this fussy stage around 7 weeks.
What i did was just stop trying. Leave her a bit, then try her again. If she's hungry she will eat. I got her weighed regularly just to make sure she was gaining.
If you are worried that she's not eating though then get her checked. But it does sound like she's going through a phase.
Evie did this at about 7 weeks too, and I posted yesterday that she'd started doing it again... (although *touches wood* she hasn't today). I think it's just a phase too and as long as she's gaining weight I wouldn't worry it should pass..

April did this too about 6 or 7 weeks (just after introducing EBM in a bottle too) and I wasn't used to it as usually she would breast feed beautifully for ages and ages. I panicked that it was because she was frustrated at not getting enough milk and got quite stressed.

However, I have since learned that it is completely normal. Babies are little rascals who like to fuss sometimes. I read (possibly on this forum, although I have read so much, I forget) that babies get fussier in the evening particularly because the flow slows down a little and they have to work harder for their milk. The little tinkers are just so lazy, they want that milk fast!! Best thing is to pesevere. Just stop and come back to it in a bit.

April still has fussy periods now. She will bob on and off, either to have a little whinge or to smile and coo. We very rarely have a straight through session where she stays on the boob for the whole time. I think, from talking to people on the forum, it is really really normal. Hang in there!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thank you all for your replies. It helps so much just to know this normal. I will stick with it and take your advice. Hopefully this will pass :pray: :pray:
Happened to me too around the same time - I just started taking a break from feeding when she started fussing - do a nappy change and a bit of play (5-10 minutes) then she'd settle back down and finish the feed

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