

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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Just wondered if anyone here does scrapbooking? I'm a bit of an obsessive and have been for about 4 yrs now. I do them for birthdays, Christmas, holidays....everything really and am obviously going to be scrapping everything about my pregnancy and baby :D Brilliant excuse for stash shopping as well!

I'm planning to do some kind of journal of the first 9 months with scan pics and everything in and all sorts of bits like letter to baby, antenatal notes etc. What's anybody else doing? Thought we could share the inspiration :lol:
I so want to do that too! I made Matt and my sis special little scrap books for their birthdays and they loved them :D
i scrapbook!!!!
i do the origanal paper real life ones not the online ones.
i have one for mine and hubbys relasionship (which i must update :)) its quite good i think
and i will be doing one for the baby but it will be for his/her whole life in sections up untill they are 18 i will include a copy of all bump pics/scan videos/newborn photos/first outfits/little details on when they first walked what there first word was/photos of there first birthday things like that
manda xx
Fab - I'm going to get started over the weekend (hopefully) so will post some ideas on Monday! I've got some very cute little individual board books in a box which I might start on.... Hubs is going to love the glitter fest!!
All excited now.... Just perusing my fave craft site as we speak! There's so much lovely baby stuff on here. So glad I finally get to do it for my own baby....hooooooooray. Will have another reason to find out whether it's a blue or pink one now - for buying the papers :rotfl:
lol im not going to start on mine till just before the baby is here (when im to huge to move from the sofa lol) then i can do all my scans ect in one lot :)
oo i love glitter i have so much crap for it all when we moved i had to threw loads out as we have nowhere for it to go. but i shall be getting more :)
oh little tip for you. if you want to add photos copy them to your pc sign up to kodak website and you get 30 normal photo size prints free you just pay postage which is about £2. ive done it three time lol for various reasons just use a different email address everytime i sign up :)
saves cutting up all your piccies
manda xx
Cool, I have just started one! I am doing a homemade jobby rather than a more professional one - I thought I would do one for the year at a time, so that the baby would know what happened every month of the year and stick stuff in. I dont know if that is the proper way to do it or not!!! :)
Me too, I like all crafts including stitching and card making :cheer:
I scrapbook!! Been doing it for about 2 years now and I love it!!! :D I have a bok in which I have all the kids going from birth upwards so will just add new baby in when he/she arrives!!!!
I dont scrap book but i have a pregnancy journal which i write in every week and it also has sections for antenatal, things you need, how the labour was etc So each week you write in how ure feeling and things and it tells you how ure baby is developing that week. One week we went to blackpool when i was 13 weeks so on that week i wrote about that and put in my hotel reservation card, armband to the pleasure beach and some coupons from blackpool. i also have my positive pregnany test and letters from hospital in there
I really, really want to start doing this! I have a few friends who do it and they are great :D I might start one of bubs actually :)

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