

Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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In the ebay thread a few people said they do scrapbooking. What kinda stuff do you do? Got any pictures?

Ive been looking on ebay and theres so much stuff to choose from! I really wanna get back into it so I was thinking about doing a pregnancy one :think:
Me, I do it!! I love doing it - you can scrap anything at all, pictures from magazines, photographs, even just souvineer tickets from say a concert or holiday, you could scrap a baby first page starting with the hospital ID tag, scrap a page of older relatives and make it really ancient looking (yellow the paper, trim with lace etc). I've only been doing it a year or so but love it already - haven't done too many pages recently but have done a "our first scan" page and will be doing a girl/boy page next week once I know the sex.

PM me your email address I'll email you a few examples over!

I've got one finished album which I did of Josh, the first pages are when he was a baby and it goes up until he was 2. I havent really done any since then. Partly because it was getting too expensive and also cos I was working and didnt have time.

Now Im at home all day and really wanna start again to keep me sane throughout this pregnancy :lol:

I absolutely love it, I always want everything though - you should see me in Hobbycraft, OH has a fit everytime I mention the place :rotfl:

I'll PM you my email addy in a minute :D
im thinking of doing one of mine and my bokes relasionship as i keep everything from train tickets from when we first met dinner receipts lol (do i sound sad?)
where can you buy the stuff from?
manda x
manda224 said:
im thinking of doing one of mine and my bokes relasionship as i keep everything from train tickets from when we first met dinner receipts lol (do i sound sad?)
where can you buy the stuff from?
manda x

lol thats not sad, ive got a "memory box" which has in it the train ticket from the first day I went to meet him for our first date, dinner receipts, cinema tickets, even a receipt from when I went to buy some condoms for the first time with him :rotfl:

Im just a hopeless romantic I guess!
glitzyglamgirl said:
manda224 said:
im thinking of doing one of mine and my bokes relasionship as i keep everything from train tickets from when we first met dinner receipts lol (do i sound sad?)
where can you buy the stuff from?
manda x

lol thats not sad, ive got a "memory box" which has in it the train ticket from the first day I went to meet him for our first date, dinner receipts, cinema tickets, even a receipt from when I went to buy some condoms for the first time with him :rotfl:

Im just a hopeless romantic I guess!

Not sad at all. I have a box of bits, tickets, reciepts, memorabelia of all sorts. I also have a "Me and DH" scrapbook and have just started a baby book (first scan, nursery, girl or boy page to be added next week). Scrapbooking can be expensive especially at first when you need to buy EVERYTHING but you can make cheaper/smaller pages that are just as nice, or digiscrap....if you can get the hang of it!! I can't :oops:
ye lol im just scared il loose something and with us moving sometime this week i think it would be a nice thing for me to do next week when im off work!!
manda x
I spend so much on my scrapbook its terrible!! il post some pics when i get a chance, I have only done about 4 pages I will spend a long time on 1 page....
my father has just been told to buy me scrapbooking stuff for my birthday (next monday) as he goes to auctions alot and they ave loads of it there dead cheap
would love to see pics of other peoples though
manda x
manda224 said:
my father has just been told to buy me scrapbooking stuff for my birthday (next monday) as he goes to auctions alot and they ave loads of it there dead cheap
would love to see pics of other peoples though
manda x

Ohh what auctions does he go to ? I use ebay alot and get *some* good deals but the heat it up stuff and ink is about the same price as the shops.... :wall:

You will be soooo excited getting all that stuff for you're bday just make sure you ask for a nice wee craft box for it all to go in otherwise things go missing !! lol, Also places like hobbycraft do good books for scrapbooking with ideas and hints etc :)
I'll put some pics up in a minute :)

Im trying to get into digital scrapping too, been looking for good sites this afternoon so if anyone knows of any let me know! :)
x-kirsty-x said:
I'll put some pics up in a minute :)

Im trying to get into digital scrapping too, been looking for good sites this afternoon so if anyone knows of any let me know! :)

Dont know any sites for digi scrapping sorry hun I havnt tried it....but tesco have started doing basic scrapbooking stuff like the cutters, papers, books, a few stamps and stencils and I got a wee craft box of seed beads and embelishments for like £7 :D
These are the ones I did when I first started out before I started using embellishments and stuff so they're not very good :oops:



This one has two pages to it but the other page has loads of personal writing on so I left it out...


This one is really simple but I love it cos the little pegs are real and they're hung on a washing line made from string :lol:


And this is as far as I've got with the digital side of things :rotfl: (Can you tell Im lacking inspiration!)

they are fantastic!!!!!! wow! that last digi photo looks professional too!!!

jesus here i am trying to give hints and really dont need them!!!!

can i ask what you did the writing with? :D
cassi said:
they are fantastic!!!!!! wow! that last digi photo looks professional too!!!

jesus here i am trying to give hints and really dont need them!!!!

can i ask what you did the writing with? :D

:oops: Thank you but when you look at the pages on the internet and in magazines that people have done mine look a mess!

The writing on the digital one is a font called 'brown bear funk' :lol: Just type it in the search box and it'll go straight to it.

I think its on Im obsessed with fonts, I've got thousands :lol:
x-kirsty-x said:
cassi said:
they are fantastic!!!!!! wow! that last digi photo looks professional too!!!

jesus here i am trying to give hints and really dont need them!!!!

can i ask what you did the writing with? :D

:oops: Thank you but when you look at the pages on the internet and in magazines that people have done mine look a mess!

The writing on the digital one is a font called 'brown bear funk' :lol: Just type it in the search box and it'll go straight to it.

I think its on Im obsessed with fonts, I've got thousands :lol:

oh god dont pay attention to the 'professional' ones as i call em....urs r great!! and i mean the writing in the scrapbook ones...what did you use templates or?
I've won tons of scrapbooking stuff which I stashed away. Have had a little go of it but I'm generally a cardmaker, encaustic artist and make ATC's (the dinky trading cards) so a 12x12 is a different ball game to me. Will deffo have a proper go when LO is born.

Ive done this one of DD but not happy with it at all so it will be pulled apart and I'll try again

Minime said:
I've won tons of scrapbooking stuff which I stashed away. Have had a little go of it but I'm generally a cardmaker, encaustic artist and make ATC's (the dinky trading cards) so a 12x12 is a different ball game to me. Will deffo have a proper go when LO is born.

Ive done this one of DD but not happy with it at all so it will be pulled apart and I'll try again


why are you not happy with that its beautiful? :D
Ladies those pages are gorgeous!! Nothing wrong with them in the slightest. You can always google scrapbook pages some ideas are really inspiring!!

Kirsty: Just sent you that email, apologies for the delay I fell asleep sooo early last night, I just never got around to doing anything I was gonna do!


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