Scared Senseless


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
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My lil boy has had a cold since last Sunday, but the doctor told me as long as he was eating and pooing not too worry. Well on Thursday he was hardly eating and seemed really pale. Then about 5pm his mouth turned blue and he stopped breathing for about 30 seconds. Scared the absolute sh1t out of me :shock: We phoned the NHS who sent an ambulance to pick him up. On the way it happened again. I have never been so scared in my life, I really thought he had died :cry: :cry: :cry:
Once he was seen in A & E we were sent to peadiactrics to monitor him. He was put on a heart and oxygen monitor and a breathing alarm as well as a drip. He must of stopped breathing at least 50 times throughout the night and had to be simulated to start again. Every time, I have never been so sick and scared :cry: After chest x-rays and tests he was finally diagnosed on Saturday with Bronchiolitis. Although he is still in an oxygen box he hasn't stopped breathing since Friday afternoon and the doctors think he is over the worst of it (I pray)
Anyone else had this???? I really need some encouraging stories.
I'm off back up the hospital but will check back later.
Its funny as you prepare yourself for the pregnancy and the birth but you don't think beyond that. I really wasn't prepared for all of this. I didn't think this parenting thing through :wink: What with him being born 4 weeks prem, its been an emotional 3 weeks.
That sounds so scary! I dont have any experience of it, but wanted to offer you some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: and say well done for being such an attentive mummy, he's lucky to have found you!
god how scary. i really hope your little man is better soon. i can't imagine how worried you must be, thinking of you. :hug:
oh my god darlin you poor thing its terrifying. well Alfie has had it but never stopped breathing. i took alfie to doctors as he was ill not himself and couldnt breath the doctor said his chest was clear, then i took him back the same day and he said ooooh he is a bit wheezy but if you take him to hosp they will send you home after lieing awake next to his cot all night and him being worse in the morning i took him to hospital straight away nurses and doctors crowded round himj and said he should of been there the day before. I stayed with him all the time and refused to leave him, everytime i went for fresh air i sobbed i was all alone and my OH was in northern irland. When he called the hosp on the thurs (he had been in since the tuesday) they told him he should come home as it could go either way, needless to say Ian was petrified and came straight home and by the thursday evening Alfie had just turned completely around he was smiling at the doctors and everything he was just getting better they let him home the next day it was as if he knew his dad was on his way and decided just to get better for him. It is terrifying when you think you are going to lose them hunni and my heart goes out to you I hope your beautiful little man is on the mend soon, thinking of you :hug: :hug:
Awww that sound awfull, im so sorry to hear your little one is unwell :(

I hope he gets better soon :hug:
i have been worrying bout hope having this but the docs says its just a virus, she seems to be fine apart from a bit of a temp and a cough x
I'm so sorry you are going through this. He is in the best place and I hope he has a quick recovery. You must be worried sick, I wish I could help :hug:
Oh poor you and your LO. I hope he is better real soon. Lots of hugs sent your way :hug: :hug: :hug:
Your poor thing hun, I can imagine it has been hell for you, like you say you just dont expect it!

I really do hope he makes a full recovery REALLY soon and you can put this behind you hun, love to you and your family :hug:
Thank you for all the replies, it means so much. Not too take anything away from my OH as his been worried sick, but there's nothing like a mother to understand a mothers love :hug: :hug:
I've come home for the night and left my OH at the hospital. This is the first night I have left him (the nurses have been nagging me to go home as I've hardly slept since thursday) not sure if I'll make it to the morning before I go back!
He was taken off the oxygen box at 7am this morning and so far (fingers crossed) he has managed all day without it. The doctors are pleased with his progress which fills me with hope :pray: Go on my lil man! :hug:
omg honey im soooooo sorry you have been through this, its great to hear he is getting poor thing, its a good job you got him to the hospital when you did :hug: :hug:
Oh my god this is awful! So sorry you are going through this I wish you all the best. remember you need to take care of yourself too so you can be strong for your little one.......
OMG i'm so sorry. that's like my worst nightmare. can't imagine how you must be feeling. so hope he is better soon.
thinking of you all. lucy x :hug:
Im so glad that he is doing better, chin up and make sure you eat to keep your strength up for him.

Do they know why it is happening???
oh god, how awful for you... glad to hear hes gettin better

:hug: :hug:

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