I don't think we'll find out the sex BUT: I don't want to know although I am concerned about how o/h will react if it's a girl! - It sounds awful but he really wants a boy and I don't want him to be disappointed at the birth if its a girl- that sounds like such an awful thing to say and I know if it was a girl he'd love it to bits regardless but I don't want the birth to be an anti climax for him iykwim? So I'm thinking if we know beforehand he'll be prepared? (I am thinking along this line cos one of his mates girlfriends had a baby a few years ago and o/h said to me "he's so chuffed that he's got a boy. I'm sure it would have been his little princess if it was a girl, but every bloke wants a son" and I have never forgotten him saying that

Nursery furniture has been chosen and secured already

theres a lovely range of bedding at m&s that I love which is good for both boys and girls and the spare room has only recently been decorated in a biscuit color so I'll just put up some framed teddy bear/bunny pics and that will have to do lol.